Back undercover...

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Wednesday had arrived, and Y/N was back in school, with Nat and Wanda back undercover. Y/N met up with his friends and said hi as he was nearly tackled by Kate.

"Ohmygodyouliveattheavengerscompound." Kate said excitedly in one continuous word.

"Yeah, but no one's meant to know about that." Y/N said as Kate immediately remembered and lowered her voice to a whisper.

"Have you met Black Widow yet?" Kate asked as Y/N smiled.

"Yeah, she's badass." Y/N said as Kate smiled.

"Trust you to mention her ass, I bet you look at her butt when she walks past you huh?" Kate whispered as Nat walked past in her teachers clothes, her office-suit and white shirt getup really helped sell the cover. Y/N couldn't help but stare as she walked past, noticing she glanced over her shoulder at Y/N and smirked. "Hey, quit perving on the teachers. I swear, you'd think you were dating Rushman or McGonagall when you get all doe eyed looking at them." 

"What? No, don't be ridiculous!" Y/N said with a laugh as Peter walked up behind him.

"Hey Y/N, still got a crush on the teachers." Peter said as Y/N turned.

"How was your date night with Gwen?" Y/N asked as Pete blushed.


"I didn't, well not for sure. The hickeys gave it away, your blush confirmed it." Y/N said as Peter smiled.

"It went great. But um, she texted me saying her family's gone on a holiday for a while and they'll be back soon. Funny, it's not like her to miss school." Peter said as Y/N nudged Kate and told her to leave. 

"Um, yeah, I should have told you that but my phone ran out. Peter, Gwen and her family are currently in witness protection, with the Avengers." Y/N made sure to whisper the information to Peter who looked shocked. "I heard Mr Stacy talking about it on the phone when he picked me up and took me to Kates after the argument. Someone with links to HYDRA told him to back off or his family dies, but from what I gathered, Spider-Man has nearly found the person responsible. She'll be back soon. I'll try and ask Mr Stark if she's allowed to have you at the compound or something, even just a video call, but you cannot breathe a word of this to anyone. Understand? Not May, Ned or MJ, I'm telling you because of you and Gwen, but you have to keep this a secret, the less people knowing the truth, the easier it is to protect her."

"Yeah, I'll keep it quiet." Pete said as Y/N nodded.

"Come on then, let's get to class." Y/N said as he and Pete went to class, arriving in McGonagall's class.

"Y/N. You're late, there's a first time for everything. Sit down, I'll see you after class." Wanda said as Y/N went to point out that Peter was late as well but Wanda tilted her head, her accent thickened. "I'll. See. You. After. Class."

Y/N closed his mouth immediately and sat down

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Y/N closed his mouth immediately and sat down.

'she is scary when she does the head tilt, but her accent is so hot. Damnit Y/N, focus!' Y/N thought to himself, he glanced up and saw Wanda had a smirk on her face as she looked down at the work she was marking. 'and she heard that thought. Great, I am never hearing the end of this at home.'

Y/N stayed behind as Wanda reminded him of the plan for the days mission, he nodded that he understood the plan and she seemed hesitant to go along with it, both women did, but Y/N was determined, if their suspicions were true, he wanted their target to know that he had been the one to beat them.

As Y/N went through the day, he couldn't help but daydream about Wanda and Natasha, burying his face into work every time one of them reminded him to keep focused.

It was last lesson on Wednesday, Religion, with Staunton. A lesson in which everything that could go wrong...almost certainly did.

"Miss, Staunton?" Flash said innocently as Y/N kept his head buried in his work.

"Yes dear, what is it?" Staunton said as Y/N still kept his head buried in his work.

"Have you heard, the Parker brothers have internships, apparently, Y/N is working in the Stark internship." Flash said as Y/N looked up.

"What? How'd you find out about that?" Y/N asked as he glared at Flash.

"Oh, please, why are you taking offence Parker, we all know you wouldn't be able to get a job as an intern with Octavius industries, never mind Stark Industries." Staunton said as Y/N looked at her.

"With due respect Miss, Octavius Industries are quite reputable. Most people would be honoured to get a position as an intern to Otto." Y/N said as Staunton smiled.

"Otto? I didn't know you were on first name terms with Mr Octavius."

"Funny, I didn't think you knew anything." Y/N returned as Staunton took in a sharp breath.

"What is that meant to imply?!"

"Imply? Oh, I'm not implying, I was just being polite, let me spell it out for the hard of thinking. You're a fucking idiot. You're also nothing but a bully who uses her position in this school to victimize children and rob them of their innocence. You're corrupt too, taking bribes of Flash's bimbo mother and his drunk, sorry excuse of a cop dad."

"My Mother is not a bimb-"

"Sit down and shut the fuck up!" Y/N snapped at Flash. "Mark my words...Ann, by the end of this school year, you will be behind bars for corruption and wilful negligence of children under your care." Y/N said as he leaned in and whispered something into her ear, no one else could hear what he said but they could tell it had hit a nerve with Staunton.


"Oh, you can bet on it you leather faced cunt!" Y/N snapped as he left the room with his belongings.

Y/N was stood outside the class when Brother Peter's all too familiar shoes clicking on the floor. Y/N took a breath and looked up into the eyes of the man he swore he would ruin, those dark, soulless eyes looked back at Y/N who didn't budge an inch.

"I had thought you were finally beginning to come around to the program, but it looks like you need to be educated. Come along Mr Parker." Brother Peter said as Y/N followed him, his heart pounding through his chest with fear of what would happen, the sickly feeling in his stomach, he fought the feeling down as he followed Brother Peter, Y/N had never been to religious, for obvious reasons, but right now, he was praying for his plan to work...

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now