Saving Private Bishop...

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Y/N arrived at the waypoint, he sent out the spider-drone to scout the place out as he looked for any sign of Kate, that's when the feed from the drone found her, or at least where the text came from, the signal was coming from the basement of the building, it was a small warehouse, but it was heavily guarded by soldiers with an itchy trigger finger waiting for any reason to shoot Kate or at the very least, hurt her considerably.

"Don't you worry Kate, I'm coming to help." Y/N muttered to himself as he swung onto a lamppost, perching on top of it and planning his attack.

"Guy under you's safe to take out." Natasha said through coms as Y/N webbed the goon and cocooned him up before tying him to the lamp post.

"I just need to maintain the element of surprise until I can get inside the building." Y/N muttered to himself as he web zipped over to another flood light post.

"Wait for my signals." Nat said as Y/N nodded. "And keep the mask steady, I can't help if my camera's shaking all over the place." 

There was a long pause as Natasha was using the drone to help her time the marks perfectly.

"Now." Natasha said as Y/N yanked the guard into the air, webbing his mouth closed and cocooning him in webs before hanging him from the floodlights. Y/N web zipped over to the ledge of the building roof and waited for the next signal. A guard walked under him and Nat gave the signal.

Y/N yanked the guard up to his level and webbed him to a wall before web zipping to perch on top of a container.

As the guard passed him Y/N yanked his head into the container before webbing him to said container.

"Mama and Baby Spider 1 - Criminal guards nil." Y/N quipped to himself before stealing a key card from a guard and using it to get into the warehouse. 

As he walked in he saw all of the guards going about their daily duties, immediately Y/N web zipped up into the beams.

"Think any of these guys might know where Kate is?" Y/N asked over the coms.

"Almost certain. Try and identify the ringleader, they're most likely to know where she is." Nat advised.

"You, what are you doing, keep working, boss wants this done fast." A thug said.

"Yes sir."

"Enter stage left, convenience." Y/N muttered to himself as he dropped down and landed on the nearest thug. "Evenin' fellas, anyone seen a girl pass through here, jet black hair, young, pretty, kind of smartass?"

"Get him!" The ring leader shouted as the thugs all began attacking Y/N who jumped into the air.

"That a no?" Y/N asked as he used his webs to pull himself down, slamming his feet into the nearest thug, he ducked under a punch coming from behind him and spinning elbowed the thug who threw the punch, he followed up by roundhouse kicking the next crook attacking him, he backflipped and avoided a crowbar that was swung at him before webbing the guard and pulling them into his fist. "Guys, this is embarrassing...for you. I bet I'll look badass on CCTV!"

"Shut up!" The guards said as Y/N webbed their mouths closed. He web zipped towards one enemy and drop kicked them into the wall before webbing them to the wall. Two left, with one being the ringleader. Y/N leapt into the air and swung from the ceiling, grabbing the thug and webbing it to the ceiling beams. The ringleader was looking up at the ceiling, looking for where Y/N had gone to, not noticing Y/N lowering down behind him, the man turned and saw the mask of Spider-Man.

"Same question genius." Y/N said as he grabbed the ringleader by the scruff of the neck and rising up on the web, holding the ringleader over a drop that would at the least break his legs. "The girl, where is she?"

"In the basement." The ringleader said as Y/N hung the man upside down so that he could question him if he was lying. Y/N went down into the basement and broke the door off the hinges. That was when he found Kate chained to the wall, she was hurt, on the surface it looked like nothing major.

"Kate, are you all right? Did they hurt you? Did anything happen?" Y/N asked as he broke the chains and held her close.

"They...they, they threatened to turn me over to...Brother Peter, they said he was gonna..."

"No. That's not gonna happen." Y/N said as he looked her in her eyes from behind his mask. "Come on, I'm gonna get you to safety."

"Y/N, there's a file, I saw them put it in the foreman's office, I think it's something important." Kate said as Y/N smiled.

"Never off the ball huh?" Y/N said as he led her out of the basement. "Wait here a second."

Y/N headed up to the foreman's office and found the safe under the desk, he webbed the safe door and yanked the door off before pulling out a file. He looked around the office and looked at schematics of secret rooms, chemical formulas, research into biochemicals. Y/N used his mask to take photos and send them to the computer in the compound. When he re-joined Kate he handed her the file and then led her outside.

"Hold on to that file tight." Y/N said as he put his hand around Kates hip, she put her arms around Y/N while holding onto the file, the two friends swung off back towards the compound, stopping off at Kates penthouse and getting her belongings and leaving with Y/N, her mother being absent. When Y/N returned to the compound Y/N turned to Nat and handed her the file, together they began going through the contents piece by piece and trying to put together what was going on in the city.

That was when Y/N received a text from Wanda.

Need help!
Bring Nat!
He's here!

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now