Suspicions Rising...

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Wanda answered the door to see Natasha looking at her questioningly.

"Who were you talking to?" Nat asked as Wanda smiled innocently.

"Oh, just um, just on the phone." Wanda said as Nat nodded.

"Anyone we know?"

"No, some guy I met in the coffee shop, he's cute." Wanda said as Nat nodded.

"Oh, um, right, I'll leave to it." Nat said, for the first time in her life, feeling something resembling emotional hurt that was akin to heartbreak. As Wanda closed her door Nat slowly walked away grabbing her coat and locking the apartment up before walking out into the streets, the rain beating down on her head as she left, heading out into the city to gather intel. She was going to watch over the Parker boy, see his comings and goings, she felt he was still a prime suspect, even if Wanda didn't.

As Nat sat in wait looking at the apartment, she was thinking about how she felt around Wanda, how somehow she always ended up feeling a brightness well up insider her. She thought she had found someone, and once again she was wrong, but there was some inkling of suspicion in Nat's mind, something telling her that Wanda was hiding something, like she hadn't told her to whole truth, she felt she still had a chance...

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now