Hello Spider-Man

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After his interaction with Nat and Wanda, Y/N was in the kitchen, hanging from the ceiling and eating a pizza that had been in the fridge overnight. As Tony walked in he saw Y/N hanging from the ceiling and eating the slice of Pizza.

"Kid, what are you doing eating a pizza, it's still morning." Tony asked as Y/N looked at him.

"Fast metabolism." Y/N said as Stark nodded.

"I'll make sure we keep a steady supply of food for ya then." Tony said as Y/N finished eating and was about to go and suit up when Natasha and Wanda walked in.

"Y/N, come with us, we need your help on something." Nat said as Y/N looked worried, he followed them into the main tech labs where the avengers gear is made and saw a red and blue suit on the table. "Consider this a good faith token from us. Tony helped with the tech, but we did the design and stuff. Thought it was time you got an upgrade from a hoodie."

Y/N looked at the suit and smiled ear to ear at Wanda and Nat.

"Thank you both!" Y/N said as he hugged them both, the pair smiling before prying him off of them.

"Don't go getting soppy on us kid, we've got you a lead, while you were getting settled in last night, we did some digging, a construction sight downtown had been seeing odd comings and goings, why don't you go and investigate?" Nat said as Y/N smirked.

He changed into the suit and walked into the lab where Nat and Wanda looked at him, smirking.

(Spider suit MK I)

(Spider suit MK I)

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"What are you waiting for...go get em, Tiger." Nat said as Y/N smirked as the two women watched him leave.

(Imagine something along these lines)

Y/N began on the roof of the compound, free running, jumping from chimneys and the roofs until he managed to reach the taller buildings, he swung and instantly felt alive. As he swung past a group of people, some began dialling their phones, while others cheered him on.

"Scuse me, comin' through!" Y/N called out as he swung past someone on their phone.

"Looking good Spidey!" the woman called out as Y/N swung close to the ground, running his hand along it until he used his webs to pull up and over a passing car, landing on the back of a tanker truck, running along it as it passed underneath him, he jumper high into the sky as he heard the sirens.

"Brand new suit, same ole me!" Y/N called out as he sent a web onto a building and swung from it, landing and wall running along the outside of a building.

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now