Visiting Home

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When he was changed Y/N walked down to the driveway where he found Tony waiting in one of his sports cars.

"Ready kid, come on." Tony said as they both got into the car and sped off into the city towards May's place.

The drive was short with Y/N enjoying the AC/DC blasting from the radio.

"Peter still gets these mixed up with Led Zepplin." Y/N chuckled as Tony smirked. They pulled up outside the apartment building with Y/N knocking on Mays door, it opened and revealed May.

"Y/N, I thought, wait, is that Tony Stark?!" May asked as Tony looked at her with a smile.

"Yeah, about that." Y/N said as Tony took the conversation.

"Mrs Parker, can I come in? I've got some news for you and Peter." Tony said as Y/N followed them both in, shutting the door.

When May and Peter were sat down Tony began to explain.

"The other day in his extra tuition session, I visited the school and approached Y/N here about the Stark Internship. He'll be working as my personal intern in my labs, Y/N has agreed but I'd like your permission, I allowed him to do the overnight assessment were we just see what he's like, the internship comes with accommodation, he doesn't have to use it but it's available if he feels like using it. He'd be getting paid for his work. I've actually brought this along for Peter as well. Y/N said I should give Pete a chance." Tony said as he pulled out the assessment sheet.

"So you weren't at Kates?" May asked.

"No, I didn't want to get your hopes up in case I failed, so I said that just in case I failed the test. I'm sorry May." Y/N said as May smiled.

"So you passed?" May asked she looked to Tony who nodded.

"Full marks." Tony said as May and Peter looked shocked. "I was shocked when I read it at first, but it's true. I had my AI FRIDAY go through the paper again to check it over and it came out as full again." 

"So, what will his hours be?" May asked as Tony looked at her and then to Y/N.

"Well, he's obliged to come in after school on Monday's and Wednesdays, but apart from that the weeks his own, if he wants to come in any day he likes and work on a project to cut down workloads or something he's welcome to." Tony said as Y/N looked to May.

"And will he be treated...fairly. His learning difficulties make it hard for him with people sometimes." May said as Y/N looked down and fidgeted with his hands.

"He'll be working with me personally, not in one of the other intern labs, he'll be helping me with stuff like the suits for the Avengers." Tony said as May looked at Y/N's excited face and decided.

"Okay, but first Mr Stark, can I speak to you in private for a minute?"

"Sure." Tony said as May led him out of normal earshot.

"Mr Stark, there's something you should know about Y/N, he told me this in confidence, but I think if you're taking him on, you should know. A short while ago, about a year or two, Y/N was abused, by a priest, he's too afraid to say who, he says if he does they'll kill him and everyone he loves. So he's very wary of strangers and he's also very careful about authority figures, if someone snaps at him and tries to force him to do a job he doesn't want to do, he will react, and not always gently. You should know that." May said as Tony looked gobsmacked, Y/N hadn't mentioned this to him.

"Holy crap. I didn't know about that, we've spoken at the interview thing and on the way from the compound, but I had no idea. Th-thanks for bringing this to my attention, not to worry, I'll make sure he's well looked after, the only people who are really gonna be his boss are me and Banner, or the other Avengers but he met them at the tour yesterday and he seemed to get along well with most of them." Tony said as May nodded before signing the sheet for Y/N.

"Now, about Peter, I'm sorry Mr Stark, but Peter has already accepted an offer from Oscorp, his old friends dad got him an offer through yesterday." May said as Tony nodded.

"Sure, but if he ever decides otherwise, the offer's always open." Tony said as May nodded. "Now, Y/N is gonna have to stay with at the compound for a while, he's free to visit you whenever he likes but we like our live in workers to live at the compound for their first week, it helps 'em get used to the place so they're not homesick or anything, you know, let em get used to how the security works."

"Sure. How long do you think it will take."

"We don't know typically it's only a week but with the extra security clearances he gets it could take two or three. Happy's kind of in charge of it all and as the um, forehead of security he's got a lot to greenlight with new interns so you know." Tony said as May nodded.

"Okay. I know this is probably weird but can I have like an emergency number, just in case he can't answer the phone and I need to leave him an emergency message or something?"

"Sure, here's my number, if there's anything like a medical emergency or if you think there's something I should know, call that." Tony said as he handed a card to May. "All right. I'd best go and see if he's packed."

Tony walked out and saw Y/N had packed a suitcase with his clothes and left a few in his part of the wardrobe in his and Peters room. More as a mark of wardrobe territory than for emergencies, but also for emergencies.


"Yeah." Y/N said as he looked to Peter and May.

"I'll take this outside, you should say bye." Tony said as he picked up the case and carried it out to the car.

Ten minutes later Y/N walked out to the car and got in the passenger seat, with May and Peter waving him off as the car drove off towards the compound...

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