A Plea For Help...

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Y/N was swinging through the city as he followed the crimes coming through on his phone and dealt with them, leaving the criminals arrested for the police. As he swung through the city Y/N saw something on the large digital billboard in times square.

It was George Stacy, reluctantly giving an announcement while the Chief of Police stood next to him ominously.

"After the recent events, I have been called to make a decision on the publics safety, I am issuing an Arrest warrant for the masked Vigilante known as Spider-Man, he is a danger to the people of this city and must be considered dangerous, anyone with any knowledge concerning Spider-Man is urged to come forward with it." Stacy said, Y/N could see the pain on his face, the reluctance.

"Holy crap!" Y/N cried out as everyone looked up at him. He could see people below him begin to phone the police Y/N began to swing from building to building, changing directions to avoid the police as helicopters followed him, the cars down below chasing him as he tried his best. "Seriously, come on?!"

As he swung from buildings, he could hear the helicopters getting closer from all angles, and then, the shot rang out, he web-zipped out of the way of the first one and then the surprise came, there was a second, the bullet hit him in the stomach, he let go of his web and plummeted down into an alleyway, smashing into a dumpster and crashing through bins.

"Come on, never give up, never surrender." Y/N muttered to himself as he pushed himself up to his feet, using his webs to bandage his gunshot wound shut. He heard SWAT coming towards the alley and began to limp away, struggling to climb onto the roof as he felt the pain in his stomach, he began thinking of safe places.

'Kate's place is still crawling with cops from the break-in. Can't risk going home and leading them home to May and Peter, and I can't risk either of them seeing me like this. McGonagall, I can lose them there, and she knows.' Y/N thought to himself as he turned and saw a helicopter rise over the edge of the roof, Y/N began to limp away as the helicopter sniper lined up their shot.

"All or nothing Y/N." He said to himself as he kept limping, the pain from the wound blinding Y/N who took one large leap off the building and manage to swing from a helicopters tail and onto the roof of another building where he landed and fell onto his hands and knees.

He stood up again and managed to run, with a limp as he kept running, swinging one building at a time, he was having to work up to it as he managed to get a good distance away from the cops, he continued limping and pushing through the pain as it got worse and worse. He had to reach McGonagalls place, hopefully she would take him in.

As he landed on the roof of the apartment building, Y/N climbed into McGonagall's apartment and limped over to the coupboard with the first aid kit.

He was in the middle of patching himself up when he felt his legs give out under him, he fell over and knocked a cup off the table, hit his head on the table and then the floor.

Wanda and Nat were walking up the stairs to their apartments when they heard a loud crashing come from Wanda's room, they both rushed up and Wanda opened the door, that was when Wanda saw him, Spider-Man was laying on the floor with an open bullet wound in his stomach.

Natasha drew her gun and aimed it at Spider-Man but lowered it when Wanda rushed over to the unconscious man.

"Wanda? What...why is he here?" Natasha asked as Wanda looked at her with tears falling down her face, looked back to Spider-Man.

"I'm sorry. I have to do this." Wanda said as she pulled the mask off the unconscious Spider-Man, revealing Y/N's face to Natasha. "I know you probably hate me for helping him, for keeping it a secret, but please, help him, take him to the compound to get healed."


"Please!" Wanda begged as she looked down at Y/N. "He's suffered too much to die like this. Natasha, please, if you loved me like you said, please...help him, for me."

Natasha looked at the bloodied body of Y/N before nodding.

"I'll help him, then the three of us need a serious talk, you, me, and Spider-Man over there." Natasha said as she glared at Wanda.

"Okay." Wanda said as she picked up Y/N and carried him out to her car where Nat got in the drivers seat and began driving them as fast as possible to the Avengers Compound...

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now