Making Sense of It

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Kate had finished tending to Natasha and Wanda, she was currently treating Y/N's wounds.

"I swear...if you die, I'll kill you!" Kate said as she sowed his wound shut. She looked up and saw Y/N's stirring awake. "Hey! Hold still, don't make me have to put you back to sleep like I did the last time I patched you up."

"Knew you punched me. You said I passed out!" Y/N said as Kate nodded.

"You were squirming too much and I couldn't stitch you up." Kate justified as she gently tugged on the stitching, causing Y/N to wince. "I told you, keep still."

As Kate finished up on Y/N's wounds she saw him look over to Wanda and Natasha, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw that they had managed to get the collar off of Wanda and Natasha's wounds had been treated.

"How are they?" Y/N asked as Kate noticed the concern in his voice.

"They'll live, is there something you want to tell me?" She asked as she finished tending to Y/N and began washing the blood off of her hands.

"The three of us are kind, sort of." Y/N said as Kate nodded.

"Mmhmm. I figured that much out. I just want to know what kind of relationship it is, do they know about each other when it comes to you?"

"Poly, the three of us are dating each other." Y/N said as Kate smiled, she looked hurt slightly.

"I'm happy for you." Kate said as she looked at him.

"Kate, I'm sorry, really." Y/N said as Kate shook her head.

"It's not your fault Y/N, you've done nothing wrong. You didn't know I still...still had feelings for you." Kate said as Y/N looked shocked.

"Kate? Wh-why didn't-?" Y/N began but Kate spoke up.

"Because-! Because I didn't want to toy with you. We broke up because I was worried about losing you one day and that you'd never come home. But, I couldn't bare to lose you for good." Kate said as Y/N looked at her. "If we got back together we'd just break up again because I don't want to lose you to some criminal who kills you, it'd just be a cycle."

Y/N nodded.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything, last thing you need on your mind is me being a stupid teenag-"

"Hey! You are not a stupid teenager. Kate Bishop, you are one of the best people I've ever known, out of the small group of people who I can count as friends, and to count you among my friends, is the best honour I could have. Don't think for one second that you're a stupid teenager for wanting a normal life, I'm just sorry that I made yours so complicated." Y/N said as Kate looked at him. Y/N stood from the hospital bed and walked over to Kate, pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry Kate."

Kate returned the hug as the two friends embraced one another for a moment before breaking the hug.

"I had better go do some work." Y/N said as Kate smiled.

"Y-yeah, I'll keep an eye on them." Kate said as Y/N nodded before heading to Nat's room and getting the file from the warehouse when he rescued Kate. 

Y/N looked around and saw Nat had a small little notice board set up with reminders.

"Nat's gonna kill me." Y/N remarked as he took everything from the board and put it into a pile before beginning to put all of the evidence onto the board. As he stood looking at the files he began piecing together Brother Peter's plan.

"He's been trying to find a formula to put into the school meals that will make them obedient servants of HYDRA with powers? I never really knew he was HYDRA, that was just to get someone to look into him and Staunton, does it count as me figuring that out if I didn't mean to guess it? Focus Y/N." Y/N said to himself as he looked through the rest of the files. "He's been working on all kinds of compounds, and the one he wants seems to be up and ready for production, that must be where he's run to, doubt he'll stick around after the fight in his office. Wait, what's this one? Super-soldier serum tests failed, subjects went insane and had to be eliminate-"

Y/N stopped as he saw the next page had uncle Ben's photo on it.

"Uncle Ben. What-? Target approved, Y/N Parker has leaked information regarding Peter De La Seirre's actions in the office to Benjamin Parker, therefore Mr B Parker must be eliminated before he can tell anyone else and to teach a lesson to Young Parker. -- signed: P. De La Seirre."

Y/N looked in horror at what he was reading, ever since the mugging he had blamed himself, his inaction had caused the death of Uncle Ben, but he had managed to come to terms with that and tell himself he couldn't have known, now, it was beyond any doubt that Y/N was the reason for Ben Parker's death. He had told Ben about exactly what had happened that day, as a result, he had killed Ben.

Y/N looked up at the evidence board and looked at the chemical formula for Brother Peters bioweapon.

"Okay, so it can only last two hours outside of a frozen environment before it goes off. It's effective immediately after ingesting it, irrelevant right now. Frozen environment, it can't be too far from it's intended destination so it has to be near a school. He's likely to test it at Midtown first to see how it goes, work on his home turf before expanding, so somewhere with an industrial freezer, secure enough to keep out of the ordinary eyes. There's an old Oscorp lab near Midtown, it was shut down a few years ago, HYDRA would easily be able to figure out a way to reroute electricity in order to keep the place running and cold." 

As Y/N looked at a map of the city he began trying to figure out how to defeat his enemies, with Wanda in a coma and Natasha injured, the rest of the team was on a mission and he had no real way of contacting Felecia, he had to do this alone.

When he tidied the files up and put everything of Nat's back on her notice board, Y/N went into the labs and began trying to think of the fight, see if there were any weaknesses he could capitalise on.

"FRIDAY, open three new files. One, Brother Peter. Two, Staunton. Three, Principle Thomas." Y/N said as he began going through the recording from his mask lens to see any weaknesses.

"Done sir."

"Okay. Start with the easiest, Brother Peter seemed to be vulnerable to electricity. So some sort of taser would be in order, taser webs!" Y/N said as he checked one box off on the list of three enemies. "Staunton, she's got the same abilities as Wanda but it appears she's not as used to them yet, she can't concentrate on holding the restraints meaning she drops us, so a way to keep her distracted. A hologram of a drone to attack her, makes her think there's something attacking her when she's just seeing things."

As Y/N looked at the principle he noted no super-abilities aside from being a master of martial arts.

"And the principle seems to be like Nat, at least in abilities, they're both highly trained and don't need super powers." Y/N said as he finished thinking, and with that he began to build the necessary gadgets to help him take down Brother Peter and his allies...

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