Second Session

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The next morning Y/N woke up and made himself some breakfast before getting washed and changed into his clothes for the day, as he looked around he saw Peter had already left without waking him.

'Must still be mad.' Y/N thought to himself as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Later May!"

"Later Y/N, are you gonna be home late tonight?"

"Yeah, I've got tuition with Professor McGonagall and Ms Rushman." Y/N said as May nodded.

"All right. You stay out of trouble today, y'hear?"

"Yes Ma'am." Y/N said with a two finger salute as he walked out the door, running down the street and seeing the bus just beginning to leave his stop. "Crap!"

Y/N thought the morning couldn't get any worse after the bus left without him, he was wrong, as he was running the heavens opened and he was drenched in rain, and that should have told him everything he needed to know about the way his day was going to go.

He went through lessons easily enough, but then lunch time came and Flash tried starting a fight with him only for Y/N to ignore him and walk away, leaving his lunch and not eating anything. Part of him was hoping that Flash fell for the bait he was throwing down and attack him in front of a teacher, just to see the look on his face as he got detention, but today really wasn't his day, because as it turns out the teacher on lunch duty today was Staunton, A.K.A. Flash's get out of Jail free card.

Y/N decided to just go to the library and read his book, but Staunton seemed to be in a bad mood today.

"Parker! Come here...why are you wandering about the corridors on a day like this. That's the kind of behaviour that might cause people think that you're...up to something." Staunton said with a certain glint in her eye, she'd been wanting to tease Y/N about his reading material.

"I was going to the library, lunch yards a bit loud for my liking." Y/N said as Staunton nodded.

"Really, I heard that you have another tuition lesson with Professor McGonagall and Ms Rushman tonight, I'm going to endeavour to attend this session, see if it's any use at all." Staunton said as Y/N gave a wry smile.

"Oh, well I look forward to it, now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get some reading done before home time." Y/N said as he went to walk away only to hear the one thing that got under his skin more than her laugh or her voice.

"Hem hem." Staunton did it, her snide little giggle that always managed to get under Y/N's skin, she knew it as well, and she loved doing it to try and make him lose his composure, he turned and saw the self satisfied look on her face.

" Staunton did it, her snide little giggle that always managed to get under Y/N's skin, she knew it as well, and she loved doing it to try and make him lose his composure, he turned and saw the self satisfied look on her face

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"Yes?" Y/N asked as he looked at her.

"Your reading book went missing from my office the other day, hand it over." Staunton said as Y/N walked over to her he leaned in close and whispered.

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