Visiting a Friend...

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When Y/N had finished throwing up into the bag, he threw it away into the trash before heading to his room and cleaning himself up.

He was in the shower when one of the flashbacks hit him.

"Remember, with great power...comes great responsibility." Uncle Bens voice echoed through his mind.

"Kid, me and your Uncle Ben go way back, you live on the same block as me, I've seen you grow into the man you are today, and all that time I've known, you've been living with so many unresolved things. Well, take it from an old man. Those things send us down a road... they make us who we are. And if anyone's destined for greatness, it's you, kid. You owe the world your gifts. You just have to figure out how to use them and know that wherever they take you, Me, May...Ben, we'll always be here. So, come on, Y/N. You're a good kid." Mr Mansfield's voice said as Y/N sighed.

"My wish for you is to become hope, for yourself and others, people need that. And even if you fail, what better way is there to live?" Wanda's voice echoed as Y/N closed his eyes and remembered that evening in Brother Peter's office, what happened to him, he kept his eyes closed as he relived the memory on purpose.

[Trigger Warning!]

"Come on Parker, come with me."

"No! Get off of me!" Y/N screamed and kicked but to no avail.

30 minutes later:

Y/N was sobbing and throwing up on the floor of the office as Brother Peter finished cleaning himself up.

"Tell a soul what happened to you here today...and they'll never find Ben's body, May's body, or Peter's, or Kate's. I'll make you watch as I brain them. Best make sure it stays as our little secret." Brother Peter said, fastening his belt back up and leaving a sobbing and broken Y/N on the floor wishing he was dead.

As Gwen was passing the room that she had been told was Y/N's she heard sobbing, the door was open. She walked into the room and looked around, then she heard where the sobs where coming from, she knocked on the door as she put her ear to it.

"Y/N! I heard sobbing, can I come in?" Gwen asked as she heard things in the bathroom falling over followed by the door unlocking, Y/N walked out and past Gwen, using a towel to dry his hair while wearing a red and blue bathrobe

"Y/N! I heard sobbing, can I come in?" Gwen asked as she heard things in the bathroom falling over followed by the door unlocking, Y/N walked out and past Gwen, using a towel to dry his hair while wearing a red and blue bathrobe

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"Are you okay?" Gwen asked as Y/N nodded. "Y/N, how long have we known each other?"

"Ten, twelve years, I forget sometimes-"

"Your memory's perfect, almost impeccable, you only ever forget the answer to that question when somethings going on with you in that head of yours. 14 Years." Gwen said as she looked at Y/N. "I also know you've been crying. Your eyes are red and puffy."

"I'm fine Gwen." Y/N said as Gwen shook her head.

"Nu uh. That might work with Peter and May, but not me. I've seen you at your lowest, I know you well enough to know when you're lying." Gwen said as she looked at him.

"You haven't seen me at my lowest. May hasn't, Peter hasn't, no one has, not even Kate." Y/N said as Gwen walked up to him.

"Y/N please, just explain it to me then, why were you crying?"

"I can't tell you Gwen. Not now, not ever." Y/N said as he grabbed some clothes from the wardrobe and went back into the bathroom to change, locking the door.

"When you decide you want to talk, you know I'm always available." Gwen said through the door before leaving. 

When he was certain Gwen was gone, Y/N stepped out of the bathroom and went to the records room where there were logs of every mission, he was going to look for anything matching the red glow on Brother Peter's hand, he wasn't stopping until that man was behind bars...

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now