Brief Encounters

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Tuesday was a normal day, the usual argument with Flash, another argument with Staunton resulting in Y/N nearly getting his book confiscated...again, and the lessons going by just as fast, he did have a slight panic attack when he spotted Brother Peter patrolling the corridors, causing Y/N to duck into the nearest empty class, which luckily happened to be Professor McGonagalls. He looked around and breathed easy when he realised he wasn't alone, he turned slightly to see McGonagall and Rushman both with a few extra buttons undone on their shirts, as Y/N noticed it was Rushmans hands undoing McGongalls shirt.

"Sorry, bad timing?" Y/N said as Rushman looked like she was urging Y/N to leave. "I'll Go, just need to use the window real quick."

Y/N rushed over to the window and opened it, climbing out and closing it over again as Rushman and McGonagall began getting dressed again to inspect where Y/N was going, the door opened however and Brother Peter walked in.

"Hello, I'm looking for Y/N, I thought I had seen him come this way, did either of you catch a glimpse of him?"

"No, sorry sir." Rushman said as Brother Peter looked at them both and noticed the slightly dishevelled look of their clothes.

"Okay, thank you. Enjoy." Brother Peter said as he backed out of the class. Rushman walked up to the door and locked it.

When she was certain Brother Peter had left, Rushman walked up to the window and opened it she looked around and saw Y/N skirting around the side of the school.

"Psst, come in here!" Rushman whisper shouted as Y/N climbed back through the window.

"Sorry about intruding, I thought this class was empty." Y/N said as McGonagall looked at him.

"Wanna explain what's going on?" McGonagall asked as Rushman looked at him.

"Why' looking for you?" Rushman asked as Y/N looked at her

"I thought Professor McGonagall would be the one to call him that." Y/N said as Rushman smirked before shaking her head. "I don't know, but I'm not going anywhere with him."

"Y/N?" McGonagall asked, to her knowledge, he's only ever like this with Brother Peter, he's perfectly fine being dragged to Stauntons office for another 12 rounds of student vs teacher, so it was puzzling for her why he had such a dread of Brother Peter. "What's wrong? Why don't you like Brother Peter?"

Y/N shook his head.

"No, I've said too much." Y/N said as he unlocked the door and ran out, leaving Rushman and McGoangall equally confused, with Rushman looking like she was contemplating something that was weighing on her mind.

"Somethings off." Rushman said. "He's hiding something."

"I agree with you there, but I still say he's not the target." McGonagall said as they locked the door and enjoyed the extended lunch period together, just making out and enjoying the post confession bliss they were still feeling from Rushman telling McGonagall about her feelings...

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