"Constructive Criticism..."

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When he arrived at the construction site, Y/N checked it out first and looked for Yuri's family.

"Spidey, use your drone to scout the place out." Nat said as Y/N looked for a drone. "The spider on your chest. Wanda will you stop, I'm trying to help our  детка паук (Baby Spider) in the field, last thing he needs to hear is you trying to kiss me, suits tight enough as it is." Nat said as Wanda chuckled.

"Wait, what did you just say?" Y/N asked as Nat chuckled.

"I'll tell you later." Nat husked over coms as she began going through how the drone worked.

Y/N was quick to learn how it worked and the drone went through the construction site until it found Yuri's family.

"Huh, maybe I can use that vent in the room, that might be a way in, I just need to find a vent entrance first." Y/N said to himself as he looked at the outside of the building. "Enter vent left, Spider-Man."

Y/N swung over to the building and stuck to the side of it before opening the vent and crawling in, letting out a quiet cough.

"Sheesh, thank god it's not Peter doing this, he'd be having an asthma attack from all this dust." Y/N muttered to himself as he began crawling through the vent, he realised this might be a once in a lifetime opportunity. "Hey, Nat, can you see what I see or something?"

"Yeah, your eye lenses are sending an image to the op centre, why?"

"Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs." Y/N quoted as Nat groaned even as she smiled at the joke.

"You're an idiot, you know that right?" Nat said over coms with a chuckle

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"You're an idiot, you know that right?" Nat said over coms with a chuckle.

"Meh, a classics a classic." Y/N said as he kept crawling through the vent until he reached the grate, it was right above Yuri's family. "Okay, let's see if my plan works."

Y/N dropped down and while it was in mid air, kicked the grate cover at a guard before using his webs to disarm the next guard, yanking the gun from their hand and swinging from the ceiling into the guard, as the final guard was about to fire at Yuri's family, Y/N webbed the barrel of his gun shut before he slingshot himself across the room in a dropkick, sending the final guard in the room straight into a wall and knocking them out.

"Look, I'm gonna get you all out of here, but I need you all to stay in here and hide until you do, okay?" Y/N asked as they all nodded. "Great."

The door opened and Y/N jumped to the ceiling, crawling on the ceiling as the thug looked around at his unconscious friends, he didn't notice Y/N lower himself down on a web behind him until he turned and come face to face with Spider-Man.

"Hey, how ya doin'." Y/N quipped as he headbutted the thug and webbed him to the floor. "I guess everybody has their floors."

"That was terrible." Nat's voice said over the coms as Y/N sighed.

"Just because you have the sense of humour of a customs officer." Y/N said as Nat audibly gasped over the coms.

"Oh, you're in for it when you get back now, my little детка паук (Baby Spider)." Natasha said as Y/N paused.

"Seriously, I know it's a name, but what's it mean, what're you calling me?"

"Come back in one piece and I'll tell you and call you it as much as you like." Nat said as Y/N chuckled.

"How come you and Ms Witch are being so flirty with me today?" Y/N said as he casually threw away the stealth and began to just beat up the thugs in the middle of his conversation.

"We've had a talk, but I'll tell you about it if you make it back in one piece." Natasha said as Y/N sighed.

"Hey fella's, you open for some constructive criticism?" Y/N quipped as the thugs all just tried attacking. "Get it, cause this is a construction site...guys? Bald head number one, I know you get it."

Y/N ducked under the bald thugs punch and backflipped, kicking him in the chin and sending him across the room.

"Man, at least I get a groan out of Widow." Y/N remarked as he roundhouse kicked the thug on his left while punching the one on his right in the stomach.

"Who the fuck is this freak?!" a thug called out as Y/N jumped onto the ceiling and groaned.

"Hey! The mask isn't for show you know, and there's no need to make it personal!" Y/N said as he webbed the thug to a wall. The last thug tried to make a break for it but Y/N webbed a dust bin and swung it around in circles before letting go, the bin went flying through the air and hitting the thug. "You either got it or you ain't. Boys, you ain't even close." 

Y/N walked back in to Yuri's family and told them it was safe.

"All right, go straight home to Yuri, she'll move you to somewhere safe." Y/N said as Yuri's family pointed at a car burst through the wire fencing, the door opened and Yuri got out of the car. "Or she can just break a fence down with a car and come to you."

"Mom, Dad. Are you hurt?" Yuri asked as they shook their heads and began talking about the rescue. "Thank you."

"Anytime officer, normally I don't want anything in return but..."

"Don't worry, I'll clear your name for you." Yuri said as she smiled. "And help you take down HYDRA."

"Thanks Yuri." Y/N said as he leapt into the air and swung off, deciding he'd best check in with Natasha and Wanda...and the rest of the team of course (mostly just Wanda and Nat though). He'd been feeling strange around them recently, and he couldn't put his finger on it, maybe he would figure out what it was when he spoke to them...

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now