CH 3

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Lyra's POV

The next morning I woke up, got dressed and headed to my office. I was singing my heart out to the music I was listening to when I suddenly got a phone call from one of my assistants. "This better be good, you've interrupted one of my favorite songs" I told her, stopping my car on the red light.

"Sorry Ms. Santos but there is a man here claiming to know you and wants to speak with you" My thoughts immediately went to Andy, it had to be him i mean I wasn't talking to no one else other than him which was odd because I usually had another man on my other side.

"How does he look?"

"He has short hair, tattoos on his arms and bright blue eyes–" definitely Andy.

"Alright let him know I'll be there in a few" before she could ask me any more questions I hung up. I drove down the garage and to my parking spot but then I noticed that there was a car already parked there.

"Who the fuck parked on my parking spot? It clearly has my name on it" I pulled out my phone and called the tow company, explaining to them the situation. I went back in my car putting my music back on, waiting for the tow guy to come and get this car.

It was only about fifteen minutes when they finally came and took the car out, I quickly parked my car and made my way upstairs.

The elevator dinged and everybody was about to stand up when I immediately stopped them, "I don't want no papers shoved in my face or I'll get your car towed as well" the room was getting filled with questions on who's car was it.

"Ms Santos, the guy waiting for you is inside your office" I stopped on my tracks turning around to face my assistant.

"Why would you let him go inside my office without my permission?"

"I-I thought you wouldn't ha-have m-mind"

"Next time you let someone else go inside my office you're fired, got it?" She quickly nodded and went back to her desk.

I opened the door and indeed Andy was sitting on one of the chairs with his back facing me. I cleared my throat making him jump and turn around. He got up and stood there like a stone.

"What aren't you going to greet me?" I asked him placing my laptop down my desk, he scratched the back of his head smiling at me. I slumped down my chair and looked at him biting the tip of my pen. "Well?"

He slowly made his way to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I didn't take him to be on the shy side, he had given me hints of being an outgoing person. "I'm sorry I'm not really good at relationships"

I frowned and chuckled at his statement, "who said we were in a relationship?"

He looked confused for a second, "uh I thought what you said yesterday–"

"I clearly said, I don't do relationships, that they are a waste of my time. Now if you want to date other people that is fine with me but you still need to come whenever I need you" he was speechless for a good minute, he probably didn't remember any of the things I said to him yesterday.

"I don't remember" I pulled out the agreement sheet and gave it to him. He scan through it with wide eyes and his mouth open. "I agreed to this?" I nodded. "I signed this?"

"Yes you did and you also said..." I leaned forward, placing my elbows on top of my desk with my hands playing with the pen. "Whatever I want" I got up and walked up to him, I spun him around and quickly placed my lips on his.

He quickly responded to me and gripped me hard on my hips, it didn't bother me at all, if anything it made me want him even more. He lifted me up by my legs and placed me on the desk, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him more into me.

"Now?" I nodded and started to unbuckle his belt while he unbutton my blouse, he kissed me down my neck taking a few bites. Before we knew it he had his jeans down and my blouse was removed exposing my breast. "You're beautiful" he whispered into my ear, gripping on one of my breast then putting them in his mouth.

I threw my head back and let out a moan, I gripped his hair and made him come back up to me placing my lips once again on his. He pulled down his boxers and my eyes almost fell out, man he was a skinny guy but he was carrying around a big package with him. I placed my hand on it and started to stroke it making him moan on my mouth.

"I can't wait any longer I need to feel you" he was ready to go inside but I stopped him dead on his track. Hell to the no was he going inside raw. I leaned back on my desk and opened one cabinet taking out a condom and placing it on him.

All of a sudden he turned me around and bent me over my desk, "I like it like this" he whispered on my ear and bit on my earlobe, i felt him move my underwear to the side then I felt his tip on me and I squirmed desperately trying to make him go in. But he was only teasing me, no other man ever did that to me. "Eager aren't we?"

Before I could say anything, he forced himself inside me making me moan loud. My assistants were probably able to hear me but I never cared what they thought of me. He started off slow but then picked on his pace, he was going hard to the point where our skin contact was being loudly echoed in the room.

"Call out my name" he gripped on my hair tight.

"Andy" I moaned out a couple of times.

This was different from anything else and I was loving it, he was different and I was more than certain to never let him go.

We kept going for a few more minutes before we both climaxed at the same time. Our sweaty bodies on top of each other, our hair being a hot mess and our breathing was out of control. By now we were on the floor, Andy's body was laying next to mine still holding onto me. It was almost nice– Lyra what are you even thinking, you're in control here not him... but then again I just let him take full control over me.

I shook the thought out of my head, "so this is what you mean?" He asked looking at me with his bright blue crystal eyes.

"You'll get used to it"

I got dressed and headed to the bathroom.

I needed to clear my head from the thoughts that I was having.

I couldn't let him take over me. I was the one in control not him.


Ya'll i was blushing hard while typing this down, I don't even know how I manage to come up with something like that.

Hope you guys like it!!!

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