CH 24

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          Andy packed his last luggage that he would need for the next six weeks

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          Andy packed his last luggage that he would need for the next six weeks. He was starting tour tomorrow for his recent album that he dropped, he wasn't happy about leaving me and missing out six weeks of my pregnancy but I told him that we can do whatever he wanted in order to make up for it. Besides the baby still had a long way to come so it's not like he'll miss the birth of his child.

"Maybe I should go tour in a year, that way I can spend time with my girls" as much as I liked his idea, he had fans waiting to watch him sing and to meet him in person. I wasn't going to take that away from them.

"Babe it's okay, I'll call you every morning and night and keep you updated" I smiled and cupped his face with my hands. I had to stand in my tippy toes to reach his lips since he was a giant compared to me. He smirked and leaned down to meet me half way.

"And that's one thing I also want her to get from you" he said once we pulled away from each other.


"Your shortness" i scrunched my nose and shook my head. I didn't want her to get that from me, if anything it would be nice if she got Andy's height. I know where I got my shortness from and I always complained to my mom about it, and I knew that that would be the same case with my daughter if it was to ever happen.

Soon enough I was closing the door behind me, Andy was gone for tour and I was left alone in a huge house.

Sighing I went to the room that still needed to be painted. Andy and I have decided to paint the walls a light pink and he would be the one to draw characters on it as his drawing skills were a lot better than mine. A crib was the one thing that stood in the baby's room.

I chuckled at the memory of Andy struggling to build the crib.

"If I can build buildings, houses and what not. I can most certainly build my own daughter her crib and it would be like no other one. This one will be unique like her" Andy took out a large white paper and started his sketching.

Soon enough he had finished and called someone he knew to drop off the items he needed in order to get started. I sat down next to him and watched as he tried to concentrate with the piles of woods.

"I don't understand. I've measured this piece of wood for the hundredth time and it still doesn't make sense. How isn't it fitting?" He placed his hand on his hip and let out a breath of frustration.

"Maybe it isn't the right one" I suggested once again. He shook his head and tried one more time.

"No, I gave Alex the right measurements too. He never messes up" I didn't know what else to say so I backed away and let him figure it out by himself. It might be wrong to leave him instead of helping him out, but in all honestly it was kind of funny to watch him struggle with a piece of wood that was the wrong piece and the correct one was sitting behind him.

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