CH 19

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This chapter will have some time skip?

I guess it's been a couple of weeks since I've moved to Italy with my family

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I guess it's been a couple of weeks since I've moved to Italy with my family. I've broken the news to them about my pregnancy and they are thrilled to have another family member join us. At first I was hesitant of telling them but I figure that soon I'll start to show and they would grow suspicious about my sudden weight I'll be putting in.

Of course they asked about Andy and I didn't tell them the real story. I've told them that we simply didn't work out anymore because it's gotten harder since he's starting his singing career, but he would still be in the baby's life. My parents weren't much supporters in that but they knew whatever decision we made was for the best.

My siblings were sad about Andy's and I separation, especially Apollo. Apparently him and Andy have gotten close to each other with a lot of common things in their lives and they were planning to have a 'bros vacation'. I mentioned them Andy's age and they still didn't care, he could be older than them but he still acted like a youngster according to them.

Today I was getting my second check up on the baby and my sisters were coming with me since they knew more about Italy than I did. I've come here to visit them before but I never really went out that much considering they had almost everything in their house.

I looked at myself in the big mirror that my sisters have given me since this room didn't have any installed. My stomach was still flat since I was only eight weeks in my pregnancy but I couldn't help and think how I would look like when I'm eight months. I'm only twenty three and I'm excited to have this baby.

"You ready?" Estefania sneaked her way inside my room with a huge grin planted on her face. Today I was also getting an ultrasound so that was the only reason why my sisters were coming, they wanted to see how small the baby is.

"Yeah is Mariana ready?" Just in cue Mariana also slide in my room.

"I'm born ready" I rolled my eyes at her and left the house with them. Mariana got our parents car heated up and started the ride to the hospital.

"Have you spoken to Andy?" Estefania asked almost ashamed to mention him.

"Yeah two days ago, he keeps track on us" I lied. In reality I haven't spoken to him ever since we broke things off between us. I think that was about a month since it happened.

"It's good that he's helping you out unlike other men that choose to leave their girls the moment they hear the word 'pregnant'" she quoted the word pregnant with her fingers. I nodded and stared straight at the road.

"Do you know his IG? I wanna see how big he's getting with his new career" I bit my bottom lip as I never bothered to ask him for his social medias because I wanted to keep him private from everyone that knew me.

"No" the word barely came out as a whisper, my sister looked at me weird but didn't say anything about it.

I felt horrible for not knowing his social media name, unlike him he knew mine.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now