CH 21

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Y'all I can't put the gif up where the photos can be put so I have to keep putting them here and I hate it bc it takes space

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Y'all I can't put the gif up where the photos can be put so I have to keep putting them here and I hate it bc it takes space. Also I'll like to point out that I found this gif on Pinterest but I also recognized it from another story I read a while ago (great story series btw) and I just really like it bc I got a thing for guys that have tattoos.

And in case you're all wondering, yes that is Grayson. (Although I don't see him as Grayson bc of the other story but I'll manage lmao 😭)

I woke up with the blankets tangled around my body, the sun was hitting the window and aiming directly at my face. No matter how much I move around the sun always found it's way back to me. I grunt and sat up on my bed, my feet dangling from the bed.

Today I needed to start working again, I've taken a few weeks off and it was such a stress reliever. It felt good not to worry about making phone calls, having meeting every week and reading through every paper work. My parents had taken over for me over the weeks and I couldn't be any more grateful for their help.

Oh did I mention that today was my gender reveal? Yeah I didn't see a point to it considering I already knew what I was having. But to make my sisters happy I let them think that I still didn't know anything and they bought it.

It's been a week since I've called Andy and he hasn't reached out to me ever since. I would of thought that knowing he was going to be a father he would want to know where I was so he can come over. But to my surprise he didn't make any effort to contact me, not even through my siblings.

It hurt me to think I wasn't in his mind but if he wanted it this way then it was probably for the best. Neither him or I could get hurt.

I sighed and slowly made my way to my closet picking out my outfit of the day. Even though I had my office in the house I still needed to look presentable since I'd be making a few video calls. Once I finished showering and finished getting ready I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to make myself something to eat.

I would of thought that pregnancy cravings hit around five months but fuck it hit me as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I've been eating nonstop and it was honestly so annoying because I would make my brothers go out and buy me something. I could of gone out and bought it myself but I've also grown to become more tired.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now