CH 25

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** This chapter is a little long but wait till the end please**

A week passed by like a blur and my stomach managed to grow a little bit more making me become more tired than usual

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A week passed by like a blur and my stomach managed to grow a little bit more making me become more tired than usual. I've spent the whole week trying to keep up with work and it was honestly taking a toll on me, all I wanted to do was rest which was very unusual of me.

Andy would constantly call me to make sure everything was alright with the baby and I. It was cute of him but at the same time it was kind of annoying to have him call me every two hours. I've assured him that nothing was going to happen and as much as I convince him it was never enough.

"This is like the fifth call you've made so far" I chuckled as I answered the phone. He sighed from the other end.

"I know but I can't help it, I have two girls alone back home wouldn't you be worried if you were in my shoes?"

"Not really, I mean if I knew I installed a thousands of security cameras around the house and have access to it at any minute— I'd be good" he scoffed and I only imagine that he was rolling his eyes from the other side.

"Alright I might be over the top but I'm just sad that I'll be missing the ultrasound again" his voice was filled with so much sadness and now I could see why he was calling a lot this morning. He was missing the chance to see his daughter through a screen, this could of been his first time if he was here.

"I promise I'll FaceTime you when I get there so you won't miss it"

"I don't think that's possible, I perform in an hour and your appointment is exactly in one hour" he sighed sadly. It hurt me to hear him so sad about missing this but we both knew we were going to be making some sacrifices.

"I'll send a video"

We both said our byes to each other and hanged up.

I was scheduled to go to my appointment at 3 o'clock today, I've had other appointments throughout the week but this one hit differently. I went to my first ultrasound with my sisters and now on my second I was going alone, not that I was complaining but I would of rather have someone there with me. That someone being Andy.

I slowly got up from the bed trying to avoid the pain I was still getting from time to time. I've told the doctor about it but she didn't show any concerns about it so it didn't worry me much. Although I wish she would of given me something for the pain but I knew I couldn't be on any medications while pregnant so I just had to go through it.

The door bell rang and I rolled my eyes. This only made it even harder for me to move around in the house.

I successfully made it to the door and I swung it open not bothering to check the cameras to see who it was.

Grayson looked up at me with his arm leaning against the door frame and a smirk planted on his lips. To say that he wasn't hot was a total lie because he was more than that in my opinion.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now