CH 29

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Trigger warning: suicidal thoughts

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Trigger warning: suicidal thoughts

Lyra's POV

          It's been two weeks since the incident occurred and today I was finally going to be discharged. I should be happy about it because the food here is crap and every once in a while a nurse came in to check on me. It's could be three in the morning and they'll still come invading my privacy.

I know it's part of their job but I was fine and on top of that I didn't want to be bothered by anyone. Andy would sometimes stay overnight with me and when he wasn't here Grayson would take his place for him. Not that it bothered Andy, he was actually grateful for his help.

During my stay at the hospital Andy and I did not share a word about our daughter. Instead he would speak to me about his next step on his singing career or what new project he's working on with his architects.

Although the death of our baby still and will forever hurt me, I think not talking about it is the right choice for him and I. Or maybe not but I couldn't bring myself to touch the topic any sooner.

"The exams came back clear" the doctor looked up from her notepad and I nodded my head for her to continue. "So you're good to go, I just need you to sign these papers for me"

She handed me a couple of papers and a pen and I quickly signed where there was an 'X' marked on it. The quicker I signed them, the sooner I get to leave this hell hole.

Just as I finished with the discharged papers, Andy came inside the room with his hands in his jacket pockets and a blank look on his face. He looked at me and gave me a small smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"I made an appointment for you" Dr. Ortiz said.

"For what?"

"For a check up" With that she smiled and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. Andy stared at the door then turned his attention to me.

"Are you ready?" He grabbed the duffel bag he brought with a few of my clothes and threw it over his shoulder.



The ride back home was rather short and quiet. The only sound that we were able to hear was the wind due to Andy's speedings. To say that I was okay with being in a speeding car was a total lie. On the contrary, I was terrified, memories from that day came back to me and I held onto the sides of the seat with dear life.

I didn't say anything about it to Andy, he was already dealing with my depressed self so I didn't want to stress him out with having to drive slow for me.

Once he parked the car inside the garage I quickly got out and took a deep breath holding on to my chest as I made my way to the backyard. It was then that I realized that my dogs weren't at home. At the confusion written on my face Andy spoke up.

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