CH 23

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Starting off somewhere new was always a strange feeling for me

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Starting off somewhere new was always a strange feeling for me. I've gotten so used to living in LA that moving back to New York felt weird, the environment was different, the people were different, nothing was the same once you move to a different state. Even my dogs felt the change because they couldn't seem to stay still.

I was officially back in New York and at my forever house. Just as my real estate agent had described it, the house was extremely huge. It was big enough to invite at least five families, and considering how big my families are there might still be some space left over.

Everything was put in the spots I specifically instructed, the only thing I needed to do is put the sheets on my bed and on the guests bed, which wasn't much too do.

Andy decided to move in with me so we can be closer and work everything out from scratch. It was a situation that I would definitely need to work hard on but I was willing to do anything for my daughter to have two happy parents by her side. I didn't want her growing up with her parents living separately, and I definitely did not want her to experience the 'one weekend with one parent and the next week with the other one' it would add stress that I didn't want her to carry on her shoulders.

Even though Andy wasn't exactly sure about leaving me alone while he toured for a couple of weeks, I assure him that I had enough protection for the baby and I. He couldn't argue with me on that because he knew how my dogs behaved once a stranger approached me.

So now we were looking at furnitures, clothes, and every accessory that the baby would need. He was already too obsessed with her because he had put in his cart a lot of baby clothes. Especially the ones that stated "My daddy is better than yours" he was convinced that she would prefer him over me.

"She's going to be a daddy's girl" he scrolled down the website putting more clothes in the cart, his eyes roaming the website viciously trying to find more daddy onesies.

"I'm sure she is" I grinned at him. He was enjoying this moment too much I didn't want to ruin the excitement for him by saying something that might 'hurt' him.

"I wonder if she'll look like me" he bit his lip and shook his head. "I rather her look like you, she needs to have your beautiful big brown eyes, your full lips, your eyebrows, just everything" his words made me blush.

"We won't know until she gets here"

The rest of the morning we kept ordering stuffs for her. Well in other words Andy did. He was really looking up to being a father and it was honestly the cutest thing ever. Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be in this moment, I always thought I'd only be doing what I knew before and that I would possibly die alone.

But that wasn't my case anymore, I was actually starting a family with Andy soon.

"Just four more months" Andy hugged me from behind and placed his hands on my bump that grew within the last few months.

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