CH 28

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Andy's POV

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Andy's POV

It's was five in the morning and I still wasn't able to sleep. I felt bad leaving Lyra on the floor but I couldn't bare myself to go over and help her out when I couldn't even help myself. How can a broken person help out an even more broken one?

I didn't know how to cope with the pain, I've never experienced this before.

I didn't want to feel anything anymore, I wanted to numb the pain so the only thing that came to mind was: alcohol.

There was a knock on the door and I honestly couldn't bring myself to open the door to whoever it was that stood there. As a matter of fact, I didn't want to deal with anyone at the moment. All I wanted was to forget this, that's all I've wanted to do since the day it happened.

The knocking continued, each time it was getting heavier and louder.

"Go away" I mumbled out with my head on my hands, my fingers gripping on my hair tightly. The whiskey bottle sat in front of me and I was battling with myself if I should open it or not. Nevertheless my dark side was taking over.

The door suddenly opened but my focus was still on the bottle.

"Please tell me you're not drinking that" her annoying voice always got to me but unfortunately I couldn't do anything about it.

"If I did or didn't it shouldn't concern you"

She dropped her purse next to me and kneeled down in front of me, taking my hands in hers and staring at me with her big blue eyes. The same as mine.

"You're my brother, I worry about you and I most certainly wouldn't like to see you go down the path you did years ago"

Melissa my younger sister was the only one that checked up on me when I was on my worst times. My other sisters and brother were too busy handling our parents business or their own business that they created on their own. Which I didn't mind, because I myself was one of them.

"I just want to forget Mel, this shit hit so fucking hard I don't know what to do." I felt like crying all over again but I didn't have any tears left to shed.

"Not drink is one of thing. You should be in the hospital with Lyra, she too is in pain and I think she would love for you to be there"

"Grayson is there" I whispered softly.

"Grayson isn't you Andy, Grayson isn't the father of the baby so he doesn't understand what's happening. No one can console her like you can, she needs you and you need her"

"Console in what Mel? For fucks sake she was my daughter too, I need to be consoled too but I'm not getting any of that. Her parents were here and they stayed with her, her friends, her siblings, fuck even her fucking co workers were all here and they were here for her. No one ever took a split second to ask me how I was or if I needed something. I have all this anger building up inside of me that I feel like it's going to explode in a matter of time and the only thing that can make it go away is the fucking alcohol." My voice was cracking and my body was trembling. "The alcohol that I don't want to drink up because I know it's going to fucking ruin me, but it's calling my god damn name and I can't turn away from it"

By now I was standing up and fuming out of anger and hurt.

"I'm here" Mel stood up with tears threatening to come out of her blue eyes. "I'm always here for you aren't I?"

"My whole teenage years I've battled with myself and I was never able to say no or ignore a single drop of alcohol. I got sober for so many years after, then I met Lyra and she took out the side that I managed to leave behind" i scoffed and shook my head realizing that your significant other should actually bring the best of you, make you even better than what you were already.

Unfortunately that wasn't my case. We both hurt each other in different ways, some we were able to move on from, the scar was small enough to heal completely. But the deeper ones were the ones that were still fresh and difficult to heal and I'm sure neither one of us ever recovered from those events.

"All I wanted was to settle down" Now that I'm saying it, it became more clearer. I never wanted to admit it because I thought if I did, it would pressure Lyra and she'd leave me right after. "Knowing that I was going to be a father brought the best in me, I was doing it for her, everything was because of her. And now I don't have her anymore"

Mel only stood there listening to what I was saying. This is why talking to her was always so easy, she would let you talk her ear out till you're finally done and then she'll give her best advise. In which in this case I'd take any.

"Did you talk to her about that?" She finally spoke up.

"No" I said instantly. "I was afraid of losing her, I— I didn't want her to leave me, I didn't want to scare her off." Although we both did damage to each other, my love for her was– is real.

"You never know how she would of taken it if you would of spoken to her"

"There was no point"

"Why not?"

"Because..." I trailed off as I found myself getting mixed up once again. This happens quite often and it's gotten annoying because I could never make up my mind. "Because I don't know if I want her or if it's just the desire I have for her"

Mel stared at me with sympathy, I've gotten this look from her too many to count that it doesn't bother me anymore. I've taken it in because it only meant that she cared about me.

"You're confused" I am. "You don't know what you want" I don't.

"How pathetic right? I'm a grown man and I still don't know what I want"

"It's not pathetic at all Andy, it just means you're cautious about certain things in your life" She wrapped her arms around me and I leaned into her touch. Finally one person took the time to hear me out.

I pulled away and wiped the tears that had fallen out, I looked at the big clock that Lyra had put on the wall and noticed that it was almost seven in the morning. Visiting hours started at eight so I needed to get cleaned up if I was going to present myself to her.

"Thank you Mel" i smiled down at her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"But I didn't give you anything" Mel sadly dropped her head in disappointment.

"You listened to me, and that's all I've been wanting during these weeks" That made her smile from ear to ear.

"I know what you're going through is tough but we're always here for you Andy and we'll help you through every step of the way. We will never leave you behind"

With that being said I headed upstairs to change into a different set of clothes to go check on Lyra. As I made my way inside the door I stopped on my tracks when I noticed the door of the baby's room was open, letting the bright light come out.

I hesitated whether I should go inside, everything was done and was ready for her. So I don't think going in was a great idea, this only meant that if we didn't want to remove anything from the room we would have to move out. Quite frankly it wasn't a bad idea either.

Sorry it was a short chapter but I wanted to show Andy's emotions at the loss of his daughter.

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