CH 8

157 6 1

Lyra's POV

It's was five o'clock in the morning, it was still dark but it only needed fifteen more minutes for the sun to start rising. Andy and I were packing our stuffs up, we had decided to take a trip of our own and leave all these people behind. We laughed at the thought of their faces once they realized that we were gone, and they had to pay for their fare.

I put the last dress inside my luggage, Andy quietly opened my door. "Are you ready?" He whispered, I nodded and headed out with him. But stopping once we reached the front door of the house, I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down a small note for everyone.

Sorry guys, it was last minute

I sticked it to the door and left the house. Andy smiled and gave me a small kiss, that small kiss made me feel a tug on my heart and it felt so nice but at the same time it felt weird. I couldn't help but keep thinking how I was giving this a try with Andy. Out of all the man I knew they never once tried this with me, that was what made Andy different from the rest.

"Let's go to Italy" Andy suggested, oh no if we went there my parents would find out and come looking for me.

"No let's go to Bora Bora"

"But we're already at the Bahamas"

"It's just an eleven hour flight, to get here was ten hours plus we'll be alone this time" he smiled and nodded.

"Fine anything to make you happy" we took a cab that would drop us off to where my plane was waiting for us. Once we got there it was around six thirty and our phones started to ring like crazy. We looked at each other knowing that it was the guys calling us.

"Maybe we should call them back after we arrive" I told him turning off my phone and putting it inside my purse. He did the same and put his phone inside my purse as well. I looked at him weird.

"What? I got nothing to hide" he chuckled and went inside my plane. Where can you find a guy like that now a days? Maybe if I put effort into this we can become something more later in the future and he would indeed get me out of this lifestyle I knew.

We were greeted by the flight attendants handing us champagne, I gladly took mine and Andy turned it down again. It made me feel terrible that he had drank yesterday because of me. Andy took notice of my sudden change of mood because he sat down and pulled me down to his lap.

"Whatever happened yesterday don't worry about it. I chose to drink, it wasn't your fault" he tried to comfort me but I knew better. He was just being nice to me.

Not wanting to argue with him I simply nodded and drank my champagne.

We were now in the air, I looked out the window and admired the view from up here. Everything was so pretty, the ocean was so clear blue, unlike the water from New York. That was filthy water and it was so hard to find a place that had clear water like this in New York.

"Have you ever had sex in the plane?" Andy sudden question took me back. Did he want to know what it was like to do it here?

"No" and it was the truth, I never once brought a guy inside my jet well except for my friends but they didn't really count so Andy was the first one to experience this with me.

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