CH 30

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Happy Saturday everyone! In New York it is currently 70 degrees outside, it is beautiful and sunny and people are wearing dresses, shorts, tank tops... while I'm in my apartment wearing sweats and a sweater bc somehow my apartment manages to feel like winter at all times 🥲 except on summer then I'll be boiling haha

Anyways where ever you are, go outside and spend time with the fam or friends and just have a good ass time :) enjoy the chapter

Anyways where ever you are, go outside and spend time with the fam or friends and just have a good ass time :) enjoy the chapter

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Andy's POV

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Andy's POV

Four months have gone by since we've lost our daughter, I can say that things are better than what they were before. Lyra and I had to look for another house to live in because being under the same roof where we were supposed to start our family in was becoming hard each day.

We found a house that was a mile away from where we used to live in. This time the house was a little smaller, if the other house had seven rooms this one has five and the backyard was only reduced by a inches. Lyra loves having a big house and I was allowing it to satisfy her.

The moment we moved in to our new place you can only guess how we got to know each part of it. Having sex with Lyra was the best and we both enjoyed it to the fullest, I guess this was almost like therapy for us... it might be weird for others but to each their own. Somehow she learned new positions every time we did it and I was all about it.

Now that I think about it, I've never had this much sex in my life until I met Lyra. Sure I'd sleep with woman here and there but it would be occasionally. But with her it didn't matter if she was working, cooking, working out, or taking a shower I'd take her right there and she wouldn't say no to me.

We were happy for these past four months and we still are, we haven't touched the topic about the incident and we both wanted it that way. As much as everyone encouraged us to do it we couldn't bring ourselves to do it, that's why we had sex, it's our way to communicate. We were injured but at the end it's like we were completely healed up.

Today was different though, today was the day we were supposed to visit her at the graveyard. It wouldn't be our first time, we've done it multiple times but every time it was hard for us. Especially Lyra, she'd break down in my arms and the only thing I was able to do was hold her tight until she had calmed down.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now