CH 22

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***Graphic scenes*** And I'm talking extremely (at least I think it is)

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***Graphic scenes*** And I'm talking extremely (at least I think it is)... so be prepared for the details and words...

What happened to the 'don't come near me' I had told him? I guess that was long gone because now I was wrapped up in his arms as we kissed each other with so much passion. We haven't felt one another in a long time and I was glad he made the first move. Not that I was going to either way because I wasn't sure about my own feelings for him. Sure I still loved him but I didn't know if it was still the same as before.

But that didn't matter at the moment, I missed him and I wasn't going to pass the opportunity of having him this close to me before I fuck it all up in a matter of time.

We pulled away and stared at each other, his blue eyes were reading me and I knew he was able to know what was going through my head right now. His face was serious as he looked at me, it was as if he was trying to find a different answer from my features.

He slowly let him hand fall to his side and hanged his head low letting out a small sigh. Before he could say a word I let my arms wrap themselves around him and I laid my head on his chest, hearing his heart beat slow.

"I love you" I mumbled against his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss on my head.

"Just not enough" he said sadly, it broke my heart. It broke my heart because I felt my feelings for him die down. This whole time I thought I missed him, but in reality I only missed being touched by him. I hated myself for letting my love for him die down, but can you blame? The guy cheated on me with my ex best friend, just how my ex boyfriend did as well.

I never knew a person could start falling out of love so fast within a month until now. That person was me.

He let go off me and gave me one last kiss before heading off to the table to grab a drink. Before I could go after him I felt someone grab my arm, I turned around and came face to face with my cousin Maria. I mentally rolled my eyes because out of my whole family, she was the only one I didn't like.

I gave her a fake smile and waited to her to speak. But her eyes were on Andy, she was staring at him up and down and it was honestly uncomfortable.

"Isn't it weird? You're carrying a thirsty two years old man's child, he's ten years older than you" She scoffed and placed her hands on her hips. Just listening to her voice made me want to grab her by her hair and throw her to the ground. I was older and mature now, I wasn't eleven or twelve years old and she wasn't laughing at me for being different than most girls my age. In fact she was jealous, my sisters have overheard her complaining of being flat everywhere in her body and wished to have a body like mine.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now