CH 13

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This chapter is going to be shorter than usual.

"Do you not trust me?" Andy pointed at himself and started pacing back and forth in the room. We had been going at each other ever since we came back from the city. He insisted on knowing everything about me and I wasn't fine with that, I didn't want to bring up the past for it to ruin me.

"I do trust you. I just don't see your interest in my past, I don't ask you about yours so I don't understand why you are" i never brought it up because I had promised to keep those memories locked deep deep down inside and never bring them up.

"I want to know why every guy talks to you like they know you from a long time ago. I want to know why you're bad mouthing a damn woman out of nowhere and I just have to stand there clueless, why? because I don't know what's going on. You're not telling me anything that I need to know about" his face was red from all the frustration he was doing, I tried not to take offense from his words but I couldn't ignore it and act like I didn't hear what I just heard.

"Are you calling me a whore?" I pinched the bridge of my nose, if I was having a bad day already he wasn't helping either.

"What? I never said that"

"You said that every guy talks to me like they know me. The thing is I don't know who the fuck they are, they come up and try to make conversations with me like they know me. Did you even realize that I did not pay attention to them? No because you're too worry that I would go behind your back and cheat on you. I changed Andy, I changed for you because I actually want to give this a try and I hoped we could of taken this far" my words were coming out without thinking it through. "You're the one that doesn't trust me, you said you did but I call bullshit"

"I didn't mean it like that" he slowly said looking down on the floor. "I do trust you, i just don't trust them Lyra. You're fucking gorgeous and every guy knows it because they try to hit on you every second they can. I'm afraid you'll leave me for someone better and I can't let that happen. I love you Lyra, I love you with all my heart, it kills me to think that everyone wants you" he kneeled down in front of me and took my hands in his. "I just want you to open up to me" his eyes held hope, I wasn't ready to tell him, as a matter of fact I don't think I can ever.

"I have opened up to you"

"Not that way Lyra, be serious for this moment" he scoffed at me.

"I am being serious. Look I don't like bringing up my past because whatever happened, it fucking happened. I dropped it and moved on, now please stop bothering me about it because I won't tell you" I got up from the bed and headed outside, just as I was about to close the door I look back at him, "get the resources from somewhere else but not from me"

I went downstairs where my sisters were hanging out watching a movie. I sighed and sat down next to them, they both looked at me and smiled. "What happened?" Mariana asked.

"Nothing why?" I continued staring at the television.

"You're fuming red, not to mention the fact that you didn't fully close your door"

"We were just talking" I murmured into the pillow that I was hugging. They both gave me a look that told me they weren't going to drop the subject. "He wants to know about my past, he's confused by the appearance of Cameron and Kat, I told him to forget about it because I wasn't going to" I shrugged my shoulders and stole one of Mariana's chocolates that were sitting on her lap. She scowled at me and I simply rolled my eyes at her.

"Just tell the poor man, get him out of his misery" Estefania suggested.

"No" they didn't push it any further, and I was thankful for that because they knew I wasn't easy about that topic. Getting up from the couch, I went out the backyard, it is sunny and there was a breeze but it wasn't too cold not to be outside.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now