CH 20

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I want to take a moment and say that an author has inspired me to put gifs that represent a bit of the chapter

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I want to take a moment and say that an author has inspired me to put gifs that represent a bit of the chapter. It made the whole chapter suspenseful before you start reading anything. So I'll like to give credits to her (idk if she'll like to be mentioned so I'll keep her anonymous for now, unless she's okay with it)

Anyways enjoy these two chapters I put up :)

As I jogged faster to my house, I felt myself think about Lyra once again. I just wanted to know where she was and if she was okay, I wanted to know if throughout this whole month that passed by did she manage to get over me?

I've come to conclusion that I'm not over her, no matter how much I drink myself out in order to forget her, the next day she finds her way back into my thoughts. It didn't matter if I brought different girls over at my house because they were easily replaced by Lyra. I've only enjoyed having them over because I saw her face instead, her body was the one riding me, her lips were the one that were kissing me. It was her touch, her smell, her voice, it was everything of her.

If she found out I haven't changed one bit she wouldn't hesitate to look the other way around. But would it hurt to know that I only did it because they reminded me of her? Of course it would, no woman would want to be know that, especially not Lyra.

Lyra has gone from hell and back that she didn't deserve any of this. I promised I was going to get help again but I haven't had the time to do so. I'm too focused on both of my careers it's hard to find the right time. If Lyra was here she would of helped me through it all and I wouldn't be doing what I was doing right now.

My friends weren't much helpers either, I spoke to them about my situation and Elijah was the only one that looked concerned about me. He wanted to help me but he also had his own issues that he couldn't solve without someone else's help, once he took a small glimpse of a small bag containing white powder, it was over for him.

He was gone and he wouldn't show up till the next three days, on top of that his appearance wouldn't give away that he was on drugs, he would act like nothing ever happened.

I stopped jogging and placed a hand on a tree, helping me support myself. My legs were growing numb so I took that as a signal to stop. Taking a deep breath out I continued walking back home. Lyra still in my thoughts.

Suddenly my phone started to ring and I sighed. It's probably either one of my jobs wanting me to come in for something important. But at the moment I didn't want to deal with any sort of work, I know I just started my singing career but it was already becoming too much for me.

I learnt about the touring that I would be making, all the signing contracts I'll have to do in order to collaborate with someone else. Meetings and shit, if I thought my career in architecture was hard enough this for sure beat it ten times more. Honestly the only reason why I even bother to start my singing career was to make Lyra happy, I spoke to her about wanting to be famous in my teenage years

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