CH 6

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Not many of you are reading this one but it's okay, I'll still finish it and leave it at that. Also this will be the last book I write about Andy or anyone else, (not me saying anyone else when all my books were about Andy lmao)

While I'm publishing this, I'm already writing chapter 11 :)

Lyra's POV

"I don't know mom, we're leaving tomorrow morning and I'm not sure how long we'll be there" I put the last clothes i picked out inside my suitcase, closing it up I went and put it outside my room.

"Well whenever you get the chance let me know" my mom who I was speaking to on the phone wanted me to head over to Italy where she was residing with my dad.

"Sure thing" I whispered, as much as I loved my mom I didn't want to go. She would make me stay there for a whole month if she wanted to but I had the perfect excuse for her, which was work. To my parents my career always came first and later on my life. They literally expect me to drop everything at the age of 40 and go on about my life after. I did not see the point in that.

We both said our goodbyes and I went on to text Ana. To my surprise she wasn't mad at me for what I had said to her and I wasn't going to talk to her about it either. I wasn't one of those people that would want to talk about their problems and solve it.

Who are you bringing? – Ana

Damien, Lynette, Oscar, Chris, Shawn and Kylie – Me

Now that I realized, I had more guy friends than I did with girls. Instead of texting me back, Ana decided to call me.

"Speak to me" I said putting the phone on my ear once again.

"You and your friends are going to make me feel old" I rolled my eyes and laid down on my rug, looking up at my ceiling that was decorated with LED lights.

"You're only 27 Ana"

"Exactly my point, all of you are in your early twenties"

"Yeah you're right maybe you shouldn't come" she gasped and told me how I was supposed to comfort her instead of making her feel worse about herself. "I don't know why you're complaining, your body is perfectly fine"

"Yeah I could say the same thing about Andy" there she goes... "are you bringing him?" I laughed out loud. To him we were boyfriend and girlfriend, if I brought him along I wouldn't know how to act around my friends especially when there's more guys involved.

"Yeah that's not happening" I made sure to sound serious so she wouldn't do anything funny.

"Okay" she said very softly. Something that wasn't usual of her.

"Don't pull no funny shit Ana cause I don't want to stress it out in this vacation"

"Ah there goes your New Yorker talk"

"I'm talking like any other person would" when she was calm it was never a good sign, either she was planning something or... she was definitely planning and there was no doubt about it. "I'm serious Ana, don't do something I wouldn't do to you"

"Fine" then she hanged up. She was definitely up to something.


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