CH 16

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So I decided to make Andy famous later on in the book. But there won't be a Black Veil Brides, in this story he will be famous by his solo project that he did as Andy Black. But I'll probably put the rest of the band members in here as his friends, I'm still deciding.

Usually I wait five days to post another chapter but not this time :)

I was greeted by my dogs the moment I entered my house, they all jumped on me making us all fall down to the ground. I laughed and tried to pet them all at once. I had missed them so much, this was the longest I've been away from them and I felt horrible about it, but luckily I had sent them off with their trainers so they wouldn't get too bored in the house and their energy wouldn't consumed within them. I wasn't about to deal with their energy the moment I came back from my parents house.

Andy went straight to his house to get his job done wherever he left off. I also needed to head back but I wanted to rest a while before going back and deal with all the paperwork and meetings once again. I grabbed the bag of treats from the pantry and gave it to my five doggos, they happily ran off to their spots to eat away their treats.

I sighed and laid down on my couch, I stared up at the ceiling and tried to figure out how I manage to walk back to my parents house after what happened at the bar. I was so blackout that I didn't have a memory of how I even stepped out of there. The last thing I remembered was someone complimenting the tattoo I had gotten with Andy. But who can notice a small tattoo?

The day after that I woke up in my sisters room, she knew I was drunk out of my mind and covered up for me very well. I felt bad for whatever I did and I had no intentions of telling Andy, I was keeping it a secret for as long as it needed to be. I needed to tell Ana about it, right now it didn't matter if Andy approved of it or not.

I dialed her number quick and hoped that she answered. After what felt like five minutes but it was really ten seconds she picked up the phone. "Hello?" She still had a morning voice so I assumed she was just waking up.

"Ana I need help" I managed to say, I was still in the state of shock.

"It's eight o'clock does it have to be now?"

"Yes can you please come over?" She agreed and I debated if I should call out or not. At the end I decided it was best to arrive late than not show up at all. So I got up and made my way upstairs to take a shower and get ready, so after I talk to Ana I can leave right after.

It took me thirty minutes to get ready and almost an hour for Ana to arrive. I opened the door and she stood with her arms over her chest and a glare on her face. She scoffed and came in, "you haven't talked to me for almost two months and all of a sudden you want to talk?" I knew the moment she laid eyes on me, she was going to start arguing with me but right now was not the right time.

"Listen I'll explain later but I really need to tell you something. It's serious" that seemed to calm her down, I don't know if it was the seriousness of my voice or the stern stare I was giving to her. Either way it worked because she had her full attention on me.

"You're serious?" I nodded. "Tell me"

I told her everything from the beginning, from the moment I bumped into Cameron and Ana on the same day, Shawn showing up on thanksgiving day, to the night I got super drunk with Cameron and waking up in my sister's room. She scratched the back of her head and exhaled the smoke from the blunt she had rolled up and started smoking while I was giving her the details.

"Your life is a mess" she let out a deep breath, "did you sleep with him?"

"Hell no" I was relief to at least know I did not end up having sex with Cameron. I mean you can feel it the very next day, and luckily that wasn't my case.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now