CH 27

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Everything was dark around me, the only thing I was able to hear was a beeping sound coming from besides me. My body aches badly, my legs felt like jelly and I could barely lift a finger up. Was that a needle on my forearm?

My eyes slowly fluttered opened, the light blinding me instantly and the white room wasn't helping at all either. Why was I connected to all these tubes, what the hell happened that I ended up in this hospital bed?

I looked around the room till a sudden movement caught my attention. My eyes quickly darted to the direction the movement came from, a dark figure was laying half his body on the bed. I couldn't quite figure out who it was because my vision was still adjusting to the light coming from the window.

I moved my feet in hopes of waking up the person, it was a successful move because he quickly got up and moved towards me.

"Baby you're awake" I recognized his voice immediately, Andy. "I need to get the doctor here" He pressed the button to call the nurse in repeatedly, his frustration was getting the best of him.

A nurse quickly made her way inside the room and once she noticed me she called a doctor in that followed right behind her. They both stood next to me on each side taking my vitals for whatever reason.

"How are you feeling?"

"Can you feel this?"

"Do you know what day is today?"

"Do you remember what happened?"

I don't recall anything happening, the last thing I remembered was me getting in the car with Grayson and that was it. Everything else was blackout.

"Is she going to be alright? She's not speaking at all" I heard Andy say.

"It's common to be in a state of shock, it usually lasts for a few minutes and on top of that she did just wake up so we'll have to come back in an hour and make sure she's alright. We'll be running some test on her brain considering it's been three weeks that she's been out"

Three weeks? What the fuck happened to me? Why couldn't I remember anything.

The doctor left without saying another word and Andy sighed as he took my hand in his and put it close to his lips. A single tear ran down his cheek as he shakily let a breath out.

"I suppose you don't know what happened" I blinked as I tried to figure out the situation but nothing came to mind.

"What?" I whispered.

Andy sniffed and held my hand with both of his hands. He brought it close to him and closed his eyes tightly, I was getting petrified, watching him be this sad over something that I didn't know about was what made it worse. Andy never gets sad over nothing, something serious needed to happen to make him this way.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now