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Trigger warning: Sensitive situation

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Trigger warning: Sensitive situation

Grayson's POV

Everything happened so fast, one second I was telling her that everything was going to be okay and to not stress it out because of her baby. Then I found myself trying to get her to respond to me with her head on my lap while blood was gushing out from the side of her stomach and the back of her head, causing it to stain my sweater.

"Call an ambulance!" I yelled at the amount of people that gathered to watch the scene. These stupid fucking idiots couldn't drop their phones for a second to call a god damn ambulance, they're too busy taking a video as if they've never watched anything like this before when it happens twenty four seven.

"Lyra, Lyra open your eyes please" I begged and moved her hair out of her face. She was out cold but I wanted to know if she was responsive to my voice.

She didn't respond though, "Fuck!" I screamed out loud. I had one job to do and I failed miserably, the moment I met her I felt this connection to her and I vowed to protect her from all harm.

The scene took me back to the time I lost someone who I was very close to. It was the same tragedy but different situations, we were being chased down and she tagged along because she couldn't leave me behind, she tried multiple times to get me out of the circumstances I got myself in, but I was stubborn and didn't listen to her. I thought that by doing what I was doing would benefit both her and I in the future.

Unfortunately we never got to that point. Who ever was chasing after me were shooting at the tires to make the car slow down and eventually caught up to us from behind. But one thing about them is that they didn't want to talk to me, they wanted me dead right away not caring if there was someone else with me. If there was then that person would have to die with me.

They crashed their car against ours and made it flip a couple of times. I managed to get out after the car had crash in a tree, but she wasn't so lucky. She had flew out of the window because she wasn't wearing her seatbelt, the impact to her body was severe and from there I knew she wasn't going to make it.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now