CH 15

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It gets better at the end

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It gets better at the end. Also I'll be adding some Spanish lyrics in here, I was listening to music and the lyrics fit the situation Lyra was in so I said eh what the hell.

P.s this chapter is very long

Today we woke up and did our usual routine. We showered and headed downstairs to eat, where as per usual my siblings were already starting to eat without us. But that wasn't a surprised, they could eat for days and not get full, I was the same.

"You guys have anything plan out for today?" My mom asked us, I took the last bite of my strawberry and wiped my mouth with the napkin before setting it down.

"Yeah we're going out for the day, you know before we leave back to LA" she nodded and we continued to eat.

"Yeah I'm going out to hand out with my buddies and Shawn" Malcolm announced.

"Take your brothers" my dad spoke up, Malcolm groaned and threw his head back in annoyance. I smirked, I remembered when I was forced to take my sisters everywhere I go or else I wasn't allow to go out.

"But we're going to be doing some mota and they are still underage" my parents weren't bother by the fact that all of us smoked weed, they were fine with it as long as we didn't overdue it and were out in the streets because of it.

"Dude we're seventeen, you're eighteen almost nineteen and still living here. Lyra was out of this house the moment she turned eighteen" Apollo snarled at our brother.

"Yeah because where she attended college they had a campus and mine doesn't so suck it, I'll move out once I graduate" they all flipped each other off and my dad slammed his hand on the table. They quickly put their hands down and looked at the floor.

"Compórtate o no vas a ir a ninguna parte" (behave or you're not going anywhere) my father pointed at my brothers, even though they were eighteen or almost eighteen they still had to follow my parents rules. If they weren't okay with it then they had to leave the house.

"Sorry pa" I laughed and got up to place my dish on the sink. Andy followed behind me and cleaned our dishes.

"Are you ready?" I nodded and went to grab my coat and purse. I waved bye to everyone and we headed out to wherever we ended up at.

"Do you know a good tattoo shop?"

"Yeah there's one up at Chelsea, why?"

"Is it good?"

"Yeah they're good. That's where I got my first tattoo" I pointed at my back, they had one of the best tattoo artist in there, when I went to get my back tattoo it was a three session but they made it painless and worth the hours.

"Alright let's go" he took out his phone to get an Uber but I stopped him before he confirmed it.

"We're taking the subway, I haven't been on one ever since I moved out and I miss the craziness there is on the trains" I chuckled.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now