CH 12

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We made our way downstairs to the kitchen where everybody was waiting for us. Everybody was sitting down waiting for their food to be placed in front of them. Malcolm was the first one to notice us and he grinned.

"Dap me up" I rolled my eyes at him, they were only going to do this until Andy didn't have a confused expression on his face.

"Why must you torture my brother in law?" Estefania glared at Malcolm, her words took me back. Brother in law.

"Stef if he's going to live with us for a month and be in New York, it's only right if we teach him the right way. Now dap me up bro" Andy laughed and bro hugged him patting each others back almost too harshly. I never understood boys and their hand shakes, they were weird and complicated to learn.

"I'm sure I'll get the hang of it" Andy told them making them smile.

"Yeah that's what's up" Terence said waving his hands.

"You guys are so annoying" they shrugged their shoulders and started to have a conversation of their own. Leaving me with my sisters.

"I think we should show him around. Let him learn his way out" Mariana suggested as she took a bite out of her bacon.

"Mariana were in the middle of November, it's freezing outside" Estefania wasn't a fan of the cold weather. She would rather live in a place where it was sunny at all times. Maybe she could come back to LA with me, but I knew that was a huge no since she wasn't eighteen my parents wouldn't let her yet.

"It won't kill you, just dress warmly" Mariana looked at the guys who were laughing their asses off. "I need me a man like Andy" she blurted out.

"I think you're too young for that" I mumbled. I couldn't help but feel this jealousy building up inside of me. For gods sake she's my sister.

"Looks like Lyra's getting jealous" They both laughed at me and I only threw my napkin at Mariana. "That's nasty, but to be honest I wouldn't go for a guy like him. I want a big man"

I raised an eyebrow up, "what's wrong with him?"

"He's too skinny, he wouldn't be able to cuddle me up and keep me warm in this weather. That's why I need a big man" I laughed at her remark. She had a point, but Andy kept me warm in many ways. Just how he kept me warm yesterday.

"Alright let's bounce to Times Square" everybody got up and left their plates on the sink. My parents weren't home so we had the day to ourselves.

Andy and I headed back upstairs and changed into a more comfortable clothing. Luckily I had reminded him to carry a few sweaters and jackets, or else he would of frozen half way to Times Square. Or maybe he wouldn't have made it there.

I changed into a light blue skinny jeans, a warm long sleeve shirt, styled my hair in a high ponytail, and grabbed my long black coat. I didn't need a sweater since this coat managed to warm me up enough. But I did take my scarf with me.

"Why is it that you always take long to get ready?" Mariana and everyone else was waiting for me to come down. I didn't realize that I was the only one still getting ready, Andy didn't even let me know if he was done or not.

"Got to look good" I told her.

"Why? You already got your man's here" I chose to ignore her and Andy hung his arm on my shoulders, giving me a kiss on my head. I smiled up at him and leaned in for a kiss on the lips to which he quickly responded.

"Alright let's go" Malcolm walked through us, making Andy and I separate from each other.


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