CH 10

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We were finally back from our little trip that Andy and I took together after ditching all my friends. The next day after our arrival back home, Ana came marching inside my house and demanding for answers. Of course I told her everything and in returned she squealed and proceeded to tell me how I needed to make her my kids godmother and my future maid of honor. I rolled my eyes at her silliness and went on with the day.

Ever since I had confess my feelings towards Andy, I had became a bit less of a bitch. My assistants were able to see it and they seemed to love it. I guess my anger towards man really took a huge hit on me if I was acting like total bitch to everyone I knew.

Andy had came to my house and spent the nights together. We had the opportunity to talk more about ourselves and we found some pretty interesting things about each other. Andy had told me that he always wanted to be some sort of rockstar since he was little, but his parents also had a family business that he needed to keep running so his dreams of becoming a rockstar never occurred. I told him that he could still do it but he simply shrugged his shoulders. To my surprise he wasn't an only child and he had two brothers and one sister. He was the oldest out of them.

I too wasn't an only child, I had three brothers and two sisters younger than me. I had shared with him of my dream that I've always dreamt of ever since I was thirteen years old. That was to become either an actress or a photographer. He had also encouraged me to do it but I wasn't sure about it anymore, it had been years since I've touched a camera. The only thing I was good at was taking pictures on my phone.

There would be times that in between our conversations we would get caught up with each other and the next thing we knew, we were laying naked on my bed. I loved how his body felt against mine, it was so smooth and warm I never wanted to let this man go. I had become so attached to him that I thought my life now depended on him and not on me anymore. It was like I was giving him the freedom to do whatever he pleased with my life and I wasn't even mad at it.

It's been a month since everything happened and I had just gotten a call from my mom. She mentioned that they were going to New York for a whole month and wanted me to join in. I was going to decline but she wouldn't take no for an answer and was expecting me there by tomorrow.

It's not that I didn't want to go, it's just that I knew how much she was going to pressure me into doing more work. I already went and took extra classes to make this business better, what else did she want from me? I sighed at the thought of my mom pressuring me, I wasn't there and I already felt the need to leave.

What was I going to tell Andy? I'm sure he would want to tag along but I didn't want him to be surrounded by my mother twenty four seven, asking him questions out of the blue. She could make situations weird and I didn't want to deal with any of her shit either. But I also just couldn't leave without letting him know that I was going away for a whole month with my family.

I closed my binder that was filled with so many papers and grabbed my phone, searching for his name in my contacts. I put the phone to my ear and waited for him to answer.

"Hello?" I heard his deep voice come from the other side of the phone. Hearing him made my heart skip a beat. I was truly in love with him.

"Hey what are you doing?" I asked.

"I am designing a new building that we have to put out for more business" I smiled as I pictured him completely focused on his drawing with his tongue stuck out, moving his head from different angles to get the right measurements. "I think I'm going to design our house when we decide to move in together"

"Yes and make it spacious so my babies can have plenty of space to run" he was amazed by how I treated my puppies as my own children. But that is what they were to me, they were my babies and nothing was going to change that. I'd spoil them everyday with treats, hugs, kisses, and toys and they loved it. On the other side, Andy was having trouble getting on their good side. Every time he would try to get closer to me, my puppies would circled me and look at him straight to his eyes. So the best way to get close to me was when they were asleep.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now