CH 4

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Lyra's POV

"So what you're telling me is that, you let him take full control over you?" Ana stared at me with wide eyes, I stared at the cup that I was holding peeling the sign off.

"Yeah I don't know what came over me, I guess I was just desperate and let him do whatever he wanted" she laughed and slammed her hands on the counter, I didn't see what was funny about this, "and the car you got towed was his?" She laughed even harder to the point where she had tears streaming down her face.

I bit my lip and took a hold of her hand stopping her from laughing even more. "Ana this is serious"

She cleared her throat sitting up straight, "right uh– look for another man, I don't know Lyra you always have another piece besides the one you're fucking" for some reason that made me feel weird, something is happening to me and I couldn't figure out what it was but whatever it was I needed to get my shit straight.

"Or you know what it could be"

"Enlightened me" I mumbled not having the energy to talk about this any more.

"You might start having feelings for him"

I snorted, "yeah okay, Ana you know I don't develop feelings for them, if anything they do and I drop them instantly because I don't want anything to do with relationships" she shrugged her shoulders scrolling through her phone.

"Miracles happen" I rolled my eyes at her, like if her miracle happened. The guy she was with had ran off from her, he didn't want to stay with her he was just using her to pass time. Proving my point of how relationships suck ass.

"Welp, I'm out of here" she grabbed her stuff and just stood there staring at me.

"What? The door is in the front or have you forgotten because of your silly thoughts of love?" She snorted and shook her head. "So what? Why are you staring at me?" I was getting annoyed at this point.

"You don't get it now but soon you'll realize what's happening" with that being said, she left my house petting my dogs that followed her out to make sure everything was in order.

"Me not falling in love is what's happening" I chuckled at the thought of that ever happening in my life. I was done with those stuff, after trying over and over again I eventually gave up because no one saw me as a person. Which made me change to the way I am now, well what Ana introduced me to.

As I was making my way up the stairs, I heard a knock on the front door followed by the door bell. Quickly my dogs made their way to the front, I groaned and headed towards the door. The thought of just relaxing in the hot tub with a glass of wine sounded so nice, it almost made me not open the door.

"Who is it?"

"Andy" Andy? How in the world did he find out where I live?

I got to be honest, I didn't even want to deal with him at the moment but of course I had to please him. Wait, it's the complete opposite, I needed to be pleased.

"It's okay" I asure my dogs making them back up a little in order for me to open the door.

As I opened the door the view of Andy standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hands made get a weird feeling. That feeling I got when Ana and I were talking about him earlier was back, I quickly shook the feeling away and made way for him to step in.

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