CH 17

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I don't know if Andy did a song with any female's

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I don't know if Andy did a song with any female's. But if he did, let's pretend Lyra is that person in the songs.

The sun's light was hitting directly to my eyes, causing me to squint and covered my face with the covers. My schedule today was to head over to Andy's house and watch him record a few songs he's come up with. Throughout the months I encouraged him to start a career as a singer, at first he was hesitant about it, he didn't want to drop his family business and have everyone be disappointed in him. But he eventually agreed with the condition of still working as an architecture, just keeping it on the low.

I forced myself get out of bed and went straight to the shower. For the past four days I've been feeling ill, I would get random stomach aches along with bloating, and my appetite has gone down. But I've figured it might be because I'm homesick. It took me about thirty minutes in the shower and another thirty minutes to get dressed and do my makeup. Once I was satisfied with how I looked I grabbed my purse and went downstairs. Today I was bringing one of my dogs with me.

"Milo" I sang his name out and my Doberman quickly came to my side waiting for me to put his collar on. We made it out of the house and I opened the back door for him to hop in, I made sure he was secure and then headed to Andy's.

The ride to his house was only twenty minutes, I parked my car in the driveway and walked to the front door. I rang the doorbell and in matter of seconds the door was swung open. Andy stood there with a white tank top and grey sweatpants, he smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. "Hello darling" he murmured, our lips still pressing on each other.

We pulled away and he looked down at Milo, "hey big guy" he extended his hand out and Milo put his paw on him. We laughed and went inside his house, I noticed that Andy moved certain things around his house so now there was more light coming in.

Milo immediately went to bother Andy's cat who was peacefully sleeping in his bed. I shook my head at them and went to the spare room Andy had, he had made it into his private studio for his recordings.

"Babe this is my manager, Jon" the elderly man stood up to shake my hand. We greeted each other and they continued with their talk they were having. "I feel like we need a females voice in this song" Andy suggested as they played the song over and over again.

"I agree, I'll look into it" Jon took out his phone and started to make a phone call. Andy slid to my side and took my hand in his. He gave me a look and I knew what he was about to tell me, I shook my head and he pouted like a little boy that was denied from getting a candy.

"C'mon baby you'll sing with me" he whined and I continue to shake my head. "Why not?"

"Having my name out in public is the least I want" being known by someone famous wasn't for me, I didn't want to deal with people hovering over me and demanding for an autograph. I already dealt with that everyday of my life at work.

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