CH 2

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Andy's POV

"Man you're too easy" My best friend, Elijah, point out shaking his head, lighting up his cigarette.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, checking my self out if I looked decent enough to go at the nightclub. I was wearing dark blue jeans with a tight v-neck shirt showing off my tattoo on my chest. I was trying to impress her, by looking at her I knew she was a colorful to dress woman.

"You only said a couple of words to the chick and you already want with her?"

"Not like that, I want to get to know her better" Elijah let out a big sigh, making smoke come out of his mouth.

"From what you told me, it doesn't sound like she's into relationships. If it doesn't work out, let me know" he winked and I rolled my eyes at him. Of course he would say that, he wasn't exactly the type of person to stick to one person. According to him they were just for fun and it's not like they mind cause they didn't. They actually liked to be a one time thing.

"Whatever man" I looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:50 I was planning to get there exactly at the time she said but I didn't want her to think that I was stalking her. Although I am, I just don't want to get caught early and scare her off. "Alright man I'm out, close the door behind you" he nodded inhaling his cigarette waving bye with his other hand.

I got to the nightclub at 8:40, I could of gotten here sooner but Elijah decided to join me once I was ready to drive out of the garage.

"Damn that girl makes money" he stared at the long line with wide eyes, I sighed. By the time we get in she'll probably be gone and I would never see her again, unless destiny had other plans.

"Let's get in line"

"Woah you seriously think I'm going to wait this long? Fuck no" he made his way to the two security guards, even they were dressed properly and not in a simple black shirt with jeans. "How about 800?" I heard Elijah asked, why am I even surprised?

"I said no"

"2,000 each" he insisted.

"Get back in line or I will put you there myself" one of the guards said getting in front of him.

"I can give you more than what you get paid" the two guards laughed shaking their heads.

"Boss pays us a good amount of money, now get your ass back in line" the people that were in line started to complain about holding them up and to go back or go home. Elijah raised his hands in defeat and slowly walked back.

"She definitely makes money" I ran my hand through my hair, anxiously waiting for the line to move.

What felt like 5 hours but it was actually 10 minutes, the line hadn't moved one bit. I started moving my lip piercing with my tongue pacing back and forth. Elijah was just in his phone liking every woman's picture on Instagram and DMing some of them. Typical of him.

"Get a life" I told him

"This is my life" he stated with a serious voice.

"Boning every woman you see isn't a life "

Just as he was about to speak one more time, I placed my hand over his mouth. My eyes had caught a glimpse of her, she was getting out of her car with her friend from earlier. God she looked gorgeous, her brown dress hugged her body so perfectly, her black hair was up in a bun, her diamond necklace laid perfectly on her chest. She smiled at her friend and made her way inside the club.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now