CH 34 (Last Chapter)

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And just like that the relationship between Andy and I ended

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And just like that the relationship between Andy and I ended. I always thoughts we were going to have our own little love story where every couple grow old and die together. But that only exists in fairytales.

The moment we left the dancing studio everything went silent between us. Not because we didn't know what to talk about or because it just got awkward, but because we wanted to enjoy our last car ride together in silence.

When we arrived home I packed my things up and left, of course Andy didn't like the idea of it but the house was under his name and I wasn't about to let him leave his own house. After what felt hours fighting with him I finally left and decided to head over a hotel.

But like always my plan didn't go as planned considering how I somehow bumped into Grayson. So Grayson being himself he invited me over to his house to stay for a while. Now I can say that our car ride was a lot more different than Andy's and I, we were able to feel the awkwardness in the air and I knew it was because of what had happened earlier that day.

We never got that way towards each other, the closest we ever got was when he was telling me what he had done to Kayla and her boyfriend and that was it.

I ended up staying at Grayson's house for a few days at his house but soon enough those days turned into weeks and then into months. During my stay with him I learned even more about him, he had opened up to me about his previous lifestyle, his experience in prison and how hard it was to move on from what he was used to do. A part of me understood him because I too did what I only knew what to ever do with men.

The moment I told him I expected him to have second thoughts about me but thankfully he did not. He knew I had changed and he still wanted to get to know me more. That's how I ended up staying with him for months.

After eight months I heard that Andy went back to LA and was still going hard with his singing career. I was proud of him for finally achieving what he always wanted, and speaking about a singing career Grayson had started his as well. Of course his genre was different from Andy's and just how I helped Andy I did the same for Grayson.

So here I was now permanently living with Grayson, we weren't roommates or anything like that. A month ago he asked me out on a date where he confessed his true feelings towards me and asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes and ever since we've both been happy with each other.

*5 Years Later*

"Soul be careful sweetheart" Grayson chuckled as he ran after our two year old daughter. Soul's giggles seemed to take over the sound of the waves from the ocean. "No Milo you're bringing the whole gang with you"

I smiled at how Grayson was struggling to keep the dogs from running any deeper into the ocean. Now I know what you might be thinking... how can she have another baby after losing her first one? It wasn't easy, it took me three whole years to be sure to have another baby, and Grayson was just as scared as I was so we both decided it was best to receive therapy for a while.

But after feeling ready I had the urge to speak with Andy about it, I guess it felt the right thing to do. It didn't take me long enough to find him, him and I have common friends so it was easy to locate him since they knew where he was.

The moment I stood in front of his front door he had opened it up quick. For a second it was awkward to stand in front of an ex, but that feeling soon flew away once he pulled me in a tight hug. The smell of his cologne hit my nose and all the memories I shared with him came back to me, I almost didn't tell him about my decision but I knew if I didn't do it now I would never have started the whole process again.

"You grew" Andy pulled away from the hug and looked down at me. It's been three years since the last time I saw him and he also made some changes in himself, his hair was now semi long and he had gotten more tattoos on his body.

"Gee thanks for calling me old" I giggled at the memory when he first took me out to eat brunch and we shared our ages.

"You know what I mean" he playfully nudged my arm. It was then that I took notice of the gray item sitting on his finger. It surprised me but who am i to kid? The guy is hot and whoever got the opportunity to marry him is lucky to have him as a husband. "Oh yeah I got married as well"

"I'm happy for you" I answered truthfully.

Eventually he invited me in and it took me a while to tell him. The moment I did he was understanding and also shared with me that he wanted to start a family with his wife but it didn't feel right unless he spoke to me.

I actually had hoped to not bump into his wife to avoid making anything awkward but unfortunately some things never go my way and she ended up coming home just a few minutes before I departed. Andy attempted to get me to stay over for dinner but I had to decline his offer, it wasn't because of his wife or him I just didn't feel like it was right after so many years without seeing him.

Now the thing about seeing him for the first time in years made me bring out the memories of how we still continued to try and work out our relationship. Even though he was still living at our old house and I was rooming at Grayson's house we ended up inviting each other over for a meal or a day out at the park, sometimes even to go to a carnival.

We thought it was working out but when we tried to take a deeper step into what we had going on, everything seemed to crumble down and we were back to square one. That was our final attempt and that is when we stopped seeing each other for good.

So now here I am, happily married with a gorgeous husband, my little Soul and my whole gang of lovable dogs. Andy is happy with his baby boy and wife and I couldn't be happier for him.

My life was a whole shit show but at the end of the day I got my happy ending that I always dreamt of having one day.

"Babe you think too much come join us!" Grayson screamed from the shoreline of the ocean. Souline was on his shoulders gripping on his hair in order to not fall and the dogs were going crazy diving in and out of the water.

I stood up and took one last look at what gave me a reason to be happy.

They are my life and I got to enjoy them.

Ya'll that's the end of this book. I'm finally done and I couldn't be any happier because I became sloppier as the time went by. I have to say thank you to everyone that took their time to read this book, I know it might of not been good but I tried to make it be great.

This is my last book and I'm sad about it, I wish I could continue to do it but I just don't have the time for it anymore, my life is pretty busy nowadays and I just know that if I publish one more book it'll never be done.

With that being said, I'll still be here probably re-reading some stories when I have the time or just seeing who reads my stories. I love you guys but I'm out

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