CH 32

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I'm sorry it took me forever to update this chapter 😩 I had it ready to publish it the next day but my dumb ass deleted the whole ass chapter and I had to do it again

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I'm sorry it took me forever to update this chapter 😩 I had it ready to publish it the next day but my dumb ass deleted the whole ass chapter and I had to do it again. The only thing is that the other chapter was better than this one but here's something similar to the other one.


Andy quickly got off the bed with the bed sheets wrapped around his lower waist.

"I don't understand why you're covering yourself if I've already seen it all" That was the first thing that came out of me, a part of me was being a smart ass and kind of a bitch and at the same time I didn't care.

"Let me explain it to you" he grabbed onto the sheet for dear life and was holding out a hand for me.

"Don't, it's very clear what we both want" He shook his head violently.

"I want you, I love you" he said.

"You don't love me, stop saying you do because deep down inside you you know it's not true" It hurt to say it but we couldn't ignore it any longer. All these days we've been trying to see past it and convince ourselves that this was just a phase, and as hard as we tried nothing ever changed.

We were still us but not into us any longer.

"This can't happen" he let out a breath and gripped on his hair with his other hand. "We have a daughter"

The woman who was still laying down on the bed got up and stood next to Andy with her arms crossed over her chest. I could tell that she didn't care if I or anyone passing by stared at her bare body, she had a bitch look on her face and I was ready to slap it off.

"It's rude to not knock and just barge into a private room" she lifted her eyebrow and sticked out her tongue. I scoffed and moved towards her, Andy moving to the side so he wouldn't be in my way.

"You know what is rude? cutting off a conversation we're having that has nothing to do with you and you putting your arms on him like he's your man. So do me a favor and get your crusty, musty and rusty hands off of him before I do it for you" she gasped and turned to Andy to see if he was going to back her up.

Once she took the hint that he wasn't going to stand up for her she grunted and picked up her clothes and made her way out the room. "Just a little fyi we've been fucking for two weeks"

That did it for me, I grabbed her by her hair and landed a punch on her nose. "Try me again and you'll end up in the fucking hospital with no recovery for your pathetic face"

She hurried off and I closed the door after. I took a deep breath and let it out in order to calm myself down. "Why did this happen to us?" By now Andy had completely dressed himself up and was sitting on the bed looking down at the floor.

"I don't know" it was an honest answer, I myself didn't know why. It could of been the dishonest? The meeting new people? The age difference?Growing tired or bored, I wasn't sure.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now