CH 31

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Andy's POV

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Andy's POV

"Lyra?" I called for her the moment I came inside the house. I would of expected to see her sitting on the couch and watching a tv show but she was no where to be seen.

"I'm here" I turned around and noticed that she was coming from the backyard. She must of been spending time with the dogs, at least that's what I thought for a few seconds before I saw Grayson walking behind her.

I felt weird having him around and at the same time I was feeling angry towards Lyra because she was alone with him for I don't know how long. I had no right in thinking this way about her, she wasn't doing what I did a few hours ago. Something I don't want her to know because I know for sure she'll leave me for good. There was nothing holding us together anymore so leaving me was going to be easy for her.

"You took a while" she wrapped her arms around my waist and gave me a small hug. She hasn't hugged me the way she used to a whole year ago and I missed that, and as much as it hurt to think about why it must be— it was sadly the truth.

"It took longer than expected" It was a lie, everything was a lie. Alex never had an issue, he just wanted me there to spend time with the boys and to my surprise Elijah was there. I haven't heard from him ever since I left LA, he kind of vanished into thin air but it was usual of him.

"I'll be on my way now, I'll talk to you soon" He placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her a smile to which she responded with a squeeze on his hand. To say that I was jealous was an understatement but it wasn't enough to drive me nuts. It was scaring me to be honest.

"Why was he here?"

"He wanted to catch up with us after being gone for a while" Lyra shrugged her shoulders and left to the kitchen.

Maybe I should of taken Elijah's word and stayed over at his house, I should of stayed with the boys. Deep down I knew I wanted to but my thought kept racing back to Lyra and knowing that she was alone and waiting for me to come back home made it impossible.

"How nice of him" I mumbled to myself and threw myself on the couch. The sudden feeling of guilt took over me and now I found myself not being able to stare at her, it just talk to her like nothing happened.

Did I feel guilty? Yes I did, Did I regret it? It scares me to think that I didn't and I would probably do it again.

"What's wrong with you, your mood changed since you've been back home" Home, home was where she was but now I came to realize that it wasn't feeling like it anymore.

"Just Alex and his dumb shit"

"What happened?" She came and sat down next to me only leaving a small space between us. Have I never noticed this before?

"Nothing happened" I grabbed her by her hand and pulled her closer to me, the moment she laid her head on my shoulder I attempted to hug her tight and convince myself that I was being silly. I love her, I just had to. We had gone through tough shit together it would be foolish of me to have my feelings suddenly start to vanish for her.

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now