CH 5

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So I just found out that Andy did a movie and a series after that. I'm not gonna lie... shit was good. I was like noooo waaayyyyy, especially those Andy scenes where he's getting it, I was like damnnnnnn. The movie and series were killing me, I think I need to watch them again. Anyways, so I found the scenes of him being intimate really good for this story, so I made them as a gif and I'll be putting them here.
I think you guys will know when things will get intimate here as well. Also I don't own any of the videos that I'll be showing, I am simply just making them as a gif.

Also I see how you guys reading and not voting 👀 are the chapters not good? I need feedback 🥲

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Also I see how you guys reading and not voting 👀 are the chapters not good? I need feedback 🥲

Lyra's POV

The next morning I did my usual routine. Got up, showered, got ready, fed my dogs, ate and made my way to my office. It was pretty basic but the only thing that changed every day was my dogs behavior, every day they had different personalities and it is quiet entertaining and funny at the same time.

Once I got to my office, I sat down on my chair and started reading all of the paper works that was sent to me by different companies that wanted to work with me. This career was basically passed down to me as it was to our other family members, I didn't need to finish college for it but I chose to because I wanted to be greater than them. I wanted to make the company bigger and I wanted everyone to know that I made it happen.

My pride was too big and I wasn't going to let anyone take it down.

A knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts of success, "come in" I spoke out. My assistant poke her head in, I gesture her to come inside.

"Ma'am your friend Ana and the man from the other day are waiting to speak to you" I sighed, what could they possibly want to speak to me about.

"Let them both come in" she nodded and made her way out. I could only imagine why Ana was here, she probably wanted to talk more about our plans for the vacation we were taking in a few days. As for Andy I had no clue why he was here.

Ana came in with a huge grin on her face, "the princess is in the building" she held her arms up and spun around. I rolled my eyes and then Andy followed after her, his pockets inside his light blue vest jacket making his tattoos more visible. Ana looked at Andy and back at me biting her lower lip, I knew what she meant by that.

"What brings you two to my office?" I got up and closed the door behind them. I leaned on the wall and crossed my arms over my chest waiting for either one of them to respond.

"We need to talk more about our vacation" Ana was the first one to speak, Andy looked at me with one eyebrow lifted. "I'm not sure about him"

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now