4. Devastated.

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The Jeon family arrived at the hospital in a sombre mood. The ride had been silent, and as soon as they parked, Park Jimin and Irene quickly stepped out of the car, eager to enter the building. However, Jeon Jungkook lingered, staying behind with Eunwoo as they made their way to the parking lot.

Jungkook didn’t need to accompany his father, but his introverted nature often made him feel uneasy around unfamiliar people. Despite how many times the Jeon’s  and Kim’s had met, Jungkook still felt a quiet distance between him and them, a hesitation that lingered in the air. The Kims always tried to make him feel at home, but it was just Jungkook’s way—he needed time to open up, to trust.

The only person in the Kim family he was close with was Kim Ha-rin. Her gentle nature and warm smile had made him feel safe, and they had bonded quicker than he expected. He found comfort in her, something that wasn't easy for him with most people.

Once Eunwoo had parked the car, the two of them entered the hospital lobby.

“I’ll go ask for the room number. You stay here,” Eunwoo instructed, heading toward the receptionist.

Jungkook nodded quietly, taking in his surroundings. The hospital was busy, with people moving in and out, and a strange mix of tension and hope in the air. His eyes wandered until they landed on something that made his heart lighten—a small puppy playing with an elderly woman nearby. Jungkook's face softened as he watched the scene.

Unable to resist, he approached them, his introversion momentarily forgotten. He bent down to pet the puppy, smiling politely at the elderly woman. “Can I...?” he asked shyly, his fingers already brushing the puppy's soft fur.

The elderly woman smiled warmly, nodding. “Of course, young man. He loves company.”

The puppy initially stiffened at the touch of a stranger, but soon relaxed, recognizing Jungkook's gentle nature. In no time, the puppy was licking his face, wagging its tail in excitement.

Jungkook laughed softly, surprised by the affectionate response. “You’re such a good boy,” he whispered, scratching behind the puppy’s ears.

“Kookie!” Eunwoo’s voice rang out, startling him.

“Coming, Dad!” Jungkook quickly stood up, bowing to the elderly woman in thanks. “Thank you, ajumma, for letting me play with him.”

The woman chuckled. “You're welcome, dear. You seem like you need that.”

With a small smile, Jungkook hurried to catch up with Eunwoo. As he walked, he muttered to himself, “I shouldn’t have wandered off. Now we’re going to be late because of me.”

He was so focused on scolding himself that he wasn’t paying attention to where he was going. Before he knew it, he collided hard with something—or someone. He stumbled, but strong arms immediately caught him, preventing him from falling.

Jungkook’s heart raced as his hands instinctively gripped the stranger’s broad shoulders, his eyes squeezing shut in surprise. Slowly, he opened them, only to meet a pair of deep, concerned eyes. The man who had caught him was tall, his features sharp yet mesmerising.

 The man who had caught him was tall, his features sharp yet mesmerising

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"Are you okay?” the stranger, Min-jun, asked in a deep, soothing voice.

Jungkook blinked, momentarily lost in the man's handsome features. His brain took a second too long to catch up. “Y-Yeah... I’m fine. Thank you for... um... saving me,” he stammered, quickly straightening himself.

“You should be more careful,” Min-jun said, his lips curling into a small smile.

“I—I will. I have to go,” Jungkook replied, his face flushing with embarrassment as he hurried away to find Eunwoo.

Min-jun stood there for a moment, watching Jungkook disappear into the crowd, a thoughtful look in his eyes. “Who was that...?” he murmured to himself, still thinking about the delicate beauty he had just encountered.


In the hospital hallway, the tension was thick, the weight of fear and grief hanging heavily in the air. All the family members were gathered in front of the operating theater, waiting anxiously for news. When the Jeons arrived, Irene immediately rushed to Kim Ha-rin’s side, pulling her into a comforting embrace.

“Everything will be alright,” Irene whispered, though even she couldn’t fully believe the words.

Ha-rin’s eyes were red from crying, her shoulders trembling as she leaned on Irene for support.

Park Jimin stood beside Min Yoongi, who was on the phone with the hospital owner, ensuring all the formalities were being handled smoothly. Meanwhile, Eunwoo and Jungkook quietly joined the group.

Jungkook’s heart ached as he took in the sight before him—so many familiar faces, but all shadowed with sorrow. His gaze fell on Kim Taehyung, who was standing at the far end of the hallway.

Taehyung’s face was pale, his eyes hollow from exhaustion and grief.

' He looks broken ' Jungkook thought, feeling a pang in his chest. He had never seen Taehyung like this before, so utterly devastated. The sight made something stir deep within him, a desire to reach out, to comfort—but he didn’t know how. Instead, he just watched, silently wishing he could take some of Taehyung’s pain away.

His thoughts were interrupted when the doctor finally emerged from the OT. All eyes turned to him, hope and dread mingling in their gazes.

Taehyung was the first to approach, his voice barely above a whisper. “Doctor... How is she? How is the baby ?”

The doctor pulled off his mask, his face lined with the weight of the news he carried. “The surgery went well,” he began, his voice professional yet sombre. “We managed to save the baby. It’s a boy.”

A brief moment of relief washed over the group, but then the doctor’s next words dropped like a hammer.

“The mother didn’t make it. We’ll hand over the body shortly.” His voice was flat, the kind doctors often used to protect themselves from the emotional toll.

For a moment, no one moved. Taehyung stood frozen, his face a blank canvas as he tried to process the news.

He had a son. But Jennie... she was gone. Forever.

“You can see the baby once he’s been cleaned up,” the doctor added, offering a small nod before leaving them in stunned silence.

No one knew how to react. Should they feel joy for the new life brought into the world, or should they weep for the life that had been lost? It felt cruel to be asked to hold both emotions at once.

Jungkook felt a lump form in his throat as he looked around at the tear-streaked faces. And then his gaze landed back on Taehyung.

How is he holding all this inside ?

Jungkook wondered, watching as taehyung stood there, his fists clenched, his body rigid with tension. Taehyung wasn’t crying. But the emptiness in his eyes told Jungkook that he had never been more broken.

As Jungkook stood there, one question kept haunting him, echoing in the back of his mind. 

Why did they save the baby... instead of the mother?


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