34. Confession?

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Tae was shocked out of his mind after knowing the visitor from the receptionist. Though he didn't react that much infront of her and gave her the permission to leave.

Soo-ah came here? Why? Does she doesn't have any shame to show her face to him after doing such cruel things to his wife? ...These were the questions running in his mind.

Tae is actually a calm person. If he was to deal these type of situations ...he would try to deal it as calmly as possible....but he himself didn't know why he was getting so much worked up now. Like she is his cousin too....so in past too she did a lot of bad things and tae didn't react to it much to not create a scene.

But now when it is about his wife...he is feeling possessive and protective towards him. He doesn't want any one to hurt his jungkookie......if one would even lay a finger on him ...he would bring hell down to them for sure.

Soo-ah firstly talked rudely to jungkook ...then she even teared his dress on the engagement.... like how low can she even get?

Tae doesn't have any interest to talk to her or even look at her face . But he does wants too meet her at the same time too.....want to confront her for the things she did to his wife.

Boiling in anger he made his way to the waiting room....which is just beside his own cabin.

He walked in the room ... opening the door with a loud thud. Tae looked ahead seeing her sitting at one of the couch. He doesn't have much experience in reading people's face ...but right now looking at her facial expressions ....he concluded.

That soo-ah is looking guilty???

Huh ! These might be one of her dirty games again...tae thought in his mind.

She stood up and started walking towards him with nervousness

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She stood up and started walking towards him with nervousness..but she got startled when tae shouted .


Soo-ah shivered hearing his deep voice....she started rubbing her palms as it was getting sweaty now.

" U-hh ...I a-actually c-came here t-to confess s-some-thing" she replied stuttering badly. Tae's aura was getting dark as the time passes...which was making her scared badly.

" What is it?" Tae asked ....he was still looking very much angry which was making difficult for her to talk.

" I am sorry" soo-ah said in a whisper ....not having guts to say it loudly.

Tae looked at her in disbelief...like is it really that easy to do such bad things and say a simple sorry .... expecting forgiveness.

" Huh ! Soo-ah do you really think I will forgive you?" Tae asked looking straight in her eyes ....she looked down ashamed not having anything to protest against his statement. Cause he is right.

" I know ...i am not worthy of your forgiveness but please let me explain myself once" soo-ah said sounding desperate.

" No I don't want to hear anything !
Just please get out" Tae said angrily...not wanting to upset him more....she immediately left the room wiping her tears not wanting to be seen as pathetic.

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