12. The incident.

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Taekook held the eye contact more than few seconds. Jungkook's small hands were held by tae's big veiny hands.

( For example : I couldn't find the exact pic to define the position

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( For example : I couldn't find the exact pic to define the position ....but their hands pretty much look like this)

Meanwhile the baby was looking at jungkook with wide eyes....he immediately recognised jungkook nd started smiling ..... throwing his hands nd legs in the air.

Jungkook face right now could be compared as tomato.....as he was blushing so much for no reason he thinks.

Jungkook nd Tae can feel the tingles throughout their body....nd butterflies dancing in their stomach.

Tae was lost looking in jungkook's bamby eyes.......while jungkook too was lost looking at Tae with his eyes widened , cheek's blushing..mouth slightly open from shock

All were looking at them with amusement nd shock feeling themselves as third wheelers here

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All were looking at them with amusement nd shock feeling themselves as third wheelers here.

Min-jun was getting red in anger....he was all jealous looking at the scene...but was controlling himself nd his jealousy... cause he doesn't have any right on jungkook......he wasn't his..hell they barely met or talk.

But after ...when he would make jungkook his...he would make sure to keep Tae away from jungkook.

Soo-ah who was sat on the floor holding her sprained ankle...

Regretted everything.

She messed really bad this time....maybe if she was in her right mind then this wouldn't have happened.

Park jiwoo who was kneeling beside her daughter... looked disgustingly at jungkook....now she hates jungkook with all her might cause

Jungkook was getting in between soo-ah nd Tae.

Jiwoo can clearly see...how Tae was looking at jungkook admiringly...which Tae never does look at soo-ah like that.

Her all plans nd hardwork would go all in vain now.

Now jiwoo would make sure to keep jungkook away from Tae...for her daughter soo-ah's dream to marry Tae.

Irene cleared her throat to get her princess nd tae to get back to world.
Although she was too shocked to see jungkook blushing.

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