11. Funeral.

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As the baby was healthy...shortly after jeon's left Kim's too took their departure from the hospital. As the doctor said it was fine to take the baby home.

They reached Kim Mansion peacefully...as the baby was in a deep slumber it wasn't much of an hastle.

They all left in 2 cars ...in one Jin nd Namjoon sat .....in the other one ye-Jun , Ha-rin , Tae nd yoongi left ...
Although the baby was in ha-rin's arms....she suggested Tae to hold the baby atleast now that the baby was fast asleep it would be fine....but Tae quickly denied ...still scared....not having much experience in handling the baby was taking a toll on him.

They reached Kim mansion pretty late .... almost midnight. Ha-rin seeing Tae was still afraid to hold the baby... Ha-rin offered that she will take the baby to her room......their ( Ha-rin nd ye-jun's )bed is big enough to make a room for the baby too.

" Ani...mom let the baby sleep in my room...I would be pretty lonely without him" Tae said with his poker face not showing an ounce of emotion.

Ha-rin smiled sadly at that...she agreed nd went with Tae upstairs to his room to make the baby sleep there.

All remaining went to their own rooms much tired emotionally nd physically after the hectic day.

Ha-rin changed the baby clothes carefully not waking him up by that.
Tae was keenly observing his mother's actions.... trying to learn it ...so that one day ..he himself could do it on his own.

Ha-rin left after securing baby's bed side with pillows.

Tae after making sure the baby was in a deep slumber...he went to the washroom to take a quick shower before the baby could possibly wake up.

he went to the washroom to take a quick shower before the baby could possibly wake up

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While showering he was constantly spacing out ..deep in thoughts....but the baby's thought immediately made him come out of his trance.

He weared his white bathrobe nd came out ..... without even drying his hair with towel ...not giving much thought to it.

He was relieved to see the baby still asleep not knowing what to do if the baby would wake up

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He was relieved to see the baby still asleep not knowing what to do if the baby would wake up. He changed in to his night clothes nd laid beside the baby keeping an handful distance between them.

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