32. Reception + Past revelation.

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It was 8 in the morning .....the sun rays were falling through the open window of the room ....but still the newly wed couple were fast asleep not making a move to wake up anytime soon....the baby was in a deep slumber too..... sleeping peacefully as he had got to fill up his stomach last night .

The baby was the first one to wake up cause he was feeling hungry......he looked at his right side to see jungkook sleeping while holding him with his one hand securely.

The baby smiled widely cause this was the first time he got to see kook in the morning ....he got really excited so he started giggling while throwing his hands and legs in the air.....the another purpose of it was to wake jungkook up so he can feed him. But jungkook made no move to wake up .

So the baby pouted sadly ....he with his little chubby hand grabbed jungkook's shirt tugging on it .

he with his little chubby hand grabbed jungkook's shirt tugging on it

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Finally his plan seems to work as jungkook woke up ..... yawning and rubbing his eyes with his fists to get a clear view of his surroundings. Kook looked down when he felt someone tugging his shirt .....he laughed heartily seeing his pup doing it while pouting at him . Having this beautiful view first thing in the morning made kook the happiest.

" Good morning pup" jungkook uttered softly ... nuzzling his nose on his cupcake soft-soft cheek . The baby responded to it by giggling more loudly which made tae woke up too.

Tae sat up looking at the laughing duo ... he smiled not really minding for the disturbance.

" Good morning angel" tae greeted while bending down and kissing his angel's cheek ..... it was his daily routine to do when angel would sleep with him .

Jungkook started making bun of his long hair while looking at the father -son duo talking to eachother in gibberish..... He didn't knew that this sight would be the best view he had ever seen.

Shortly after....the baby started crying as now he couldn't wait to have his feed... feeling hungry ..... jungkook took him in his arms trying to calm him ...but it was not working ....he knows that the baby was hungry.

" I need to feed him" jungkook said looking at his husband .

" Oh...yeah i would take a shower till then" tae said while getting up from the bed ....he took his clothes from the closet and walked in his bathroom .....tae tried hard but it was fruitless as jungkook had already seen the red blush over his cheeks ...hell kook himself was blushing...this was so awkward for them.

Shaking his head jungkook started breastfeeding his pup.....after fifteen minutes he was done...so he wiped his baby's mouth with a tissue and made him burp by laying him on his shoulder.

Jungkook checked the baby's temperature as he felt the small hands wrapped around his neck were quite warm...... the baby was having a light fever so kook laid the baby on the bed and went to the table which was at the right side of the room.... the baby supplies were kept there as in diapers, powder, wipes, medicines prescribed by jaehyun.... He grabbed the tonic prescribed for fever.... and walked back towards the bed.

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