19. Baby bear🐻.

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After jungkook left to the washroom. The room was pin dropped silence. Tae nd the baby was having the same shock expression on their faces.

Cause this was their first time to see jungkook being this angry.

Tae did not seems to get out of the shock. Jungkook didn't addressed him as taehyungshi which he always calls him with. He called his full name Kim taehyung..... during the outburst.

Nobody...i repeat nobody ever shouted on Tae in his whole life like that......but the funny thing was....

Tae was not at all angry at jungkook.

He actually loved jungkook's attitude  .....nd bravery. In his whole life Tae only had seen nd met the people who either wants to be with him for money .........or who wants to just get in his pants.

Jungkook is different from all of them.

This thought brought a smile on his face ..... which he didn't notice. Tae turned around to look at the baby.

 Tae turned around to look at the baby

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Who was looking at him too. Tae smiled nd walked forward to the bed. He laid beside the baby . Actually Tae , yoongi, Namjoon all r home today. Not having much work load they decided to take a rest nd spend some time with family.... they could work from home today if needed.... 

"U r looking so cute baby" Tae coed nd lifted his hand to caress the baby's cheek.........But.

The baby immediately moved his head sideways while pouting. As if he too didn't like... Tae making fun of them.

Tae's brain stopped working . Is the baby too angry at him now.

"Baby what happened? Aren't u gonna play with me today ?" Tae asked hovering the baby ....he made the baby look at him by holding his cheek softly.

The baby finally looked at him....but still he wasn't smiling or reacting to his words like before. Since 2 weeks Tae nd baby's bond have became stronger. They play together .....goof around.....nd now Tae can hold the baby in his arms too.

So seeing the baby sad ...........a pout formed on Tae lips too.

a pout formed on Tae lips too

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