25. Interview + Check up.

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Currently jungkook and baekhyun were heading to park industries for the interview in jungkook's car. As their finals are just after two weeks from now .......they got to know from their class teacher that jungkook and baekhyun had only gotten selected by park industries over their group A. So today they have to give the final interview for further knowing if both are perfect for the job or not. Over all we are talking about The Park Industry the number 1 fashion designing industry.........it was like a dream to work there. So after their finals they would get hired but today they have to submit the documents needed for it. So after the college ended they both directly headed to PI.

" Baekhyunni I am getting nervous to give the interview" jungkook mumbled looking out the window while holding his bestie's hand out of nervousness.

" Kookie u don't have to get nervous dear... we have came a long way by working hard....now we have to do a little more work...and finally our dream to work as a fashion designer would come true" baekhyun encouraged jungkook .....they are just one step away from achieving their goal.

" Yeah ...I hope everything would go well" jungkook mumbled .

About halfen hour they were infront of the company. They both got out with their college bags containing all the needed documents and informed the driver to go back ...they would call him after the interview not knowing how much time it would take.

" Wow.... it's looking so good" baekhyun said amusingly looking at the company which stood tall all in it's glory.

 it's looking so good" baekhyun said amusingly looking at the company which stood tall all in it's glory

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" Hmm....u r right it's looking great ...now let's go in ...we are already 5 minutes late" jungkook said and dragged baekhyun in with him.

They both were so in aww looking at the interior design of the company which is so elegant in everything....from the chandelier , walls, vases, etc.... everything there sounds rich.

" There is the receptionist .....let's go" jungkook noticed the receptionist at the left and started heading towards there with his bestie.

" Hello good evening miss ....we r here for the interview from Seoul national university ..." Jungkook asked bowing politely while baekhyun stood quietly beside him... knowing his bestie would handle everything greatly...kook was getting nervous for no reason.

" Ohh....wait a second lemme check" the receptionist answered smiling softly at jungkook ...she was quite surprised at the polite behaviour of him....she recognised him at the first glance ...that he is the second heir of jeon's and is going to marry Kim taehyung... the most eligible and richest bachelor of korea ....she assumed he would be a spoiled rich brat but she was proved wrong.

" U have to go to the 30th floor from the common lift ......go and wait at the waiting room present infront of the CEO'S cabin....u would be called accordingly" Kim jisoo the receptionist explained properly.

u would be called accordingly" Kim jisoo the receptionist explained properly

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