6. Nervousness.

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Jungkook was all confused hearing it...he thought maybe he heard it wrong ..but after getting confirmation from his eomma ..he was shocked would be an understatement.

How can they save the baby instead of Jennie unnie he was thinking.

He has met her a couple of times... Jennie was not friendly with him..and him being a introvert didn't help them to get along.

Although he knows she is arrogant ..as she never talked to him politely ..not even once...but she was not that of a bad person.

As he has seen ...how she started to change ..as her pregnancy started...he noticed the changes.. as she started talking to all of them not that rudely as she used to...many more changes in her personality.....in all conclusion he never had hate towards her....she was not that evil .

He was feeling very bad that she was not saved today .... only if he knew that it was her own decision.

Irene , eunwoo , Jimin too was shocked just like jungkook....Jimin as soon as he saw yoongi was free...he asked about it ....yoongi explained him everything.

After explanation too Jimin couldn't understand why Jennie didn't want to live...he doesn't know her much ...but still he had seen love , in her eyes towards Tae ......care in her actions for Tae...he knows Jennie love Tae too much to just leave him like that.

Jimin explained all the things to his family including jungkook...they were too confused at that...but they let it aside now.

The nurse came and informed that the baby was all cleaned so they can go and meet him.

Tae was the first one to reach the allotted room for Kim's in which the baby was resting as per the nurse saying.

All of them too followed behind Tae.
Jungkook was the last one at the back...he was excited to meet the baby... nervous too as he didn't know how to interact with a new born.

He knows how to handle a baby....as he once took care of his nephew ...but still he was getting nervous ...

What if the baby didn't like him and started crying ?

It was a stupid thought...but jungkook can't help he always overthink over everything ..it's his habit when he gets nervous.

Tae opened the door with his shivering hands ...too nervous...of course he don't know how to handle a new born ...hell he didn't even held a toddler in his arms his whole life...

But all were having a same thought at the time..that...

How the baby will react on the  absence of his mother....how will they handle him?

They don't know what fate holds for them.


It's a filler chapter before the entry of the baby..

He is the actual hero of the story..

He will play the main role in getting taekook close...I wanted to write the entry of him the best...so I am stopping this chapter right here...

And one more thing as we got to know that Lee Jong -suk and IU are dating in real life...then why don't we make them couple in the story.

So as u know I have taken yoona as Jong -suk's partner...so I am now gonna change it as IU.

I have not wrote their real names in the story ...so their names would be as it is...I will just change the pic in introduction....I am telling it now so u won't get confused later seeing IU in place of Jong -suk's partner.

And yeah thank u all so much for 363 reads ...I love you all...

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