16. illness.

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The car was pin droped silent since they left the university.

The car was pin droped silent since they left the university

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( interior of the car)

Jungkook was looking out of the window . Waiting for Taehyung to explain everything. His introvert behaviour isn't letting him start the conversation. So Tae only has to do it.

Tae was driving very calmly while looking ahead. But only he knows how panic he was from inside ...... thinking about the angel's condition.

Ha-rin messaged him earlier when he was on his way to jungkook's university

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Ha-rin messaged him earlier when he was on his way to jungkook's university . That the baby is still crying . The situation was still the same. Which was making him more worried ....just wanted to reach Kim mansion as soon as possible.

" Um.....so what happened ?Where are you taking me?" Jungkook asked calmly ..... can't take this silence anymore . His curiousness over powered his introvert behaviour at last.

Tae looked at jungkook for a second before looking ahead again. In all his worriness...Tae actually forgot to explain everything to jungkook.

" Firstly I am very sorry jungkook for coming to ur university without informing u

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" Firstly I am very sorry jungkook for coming to ur university without informing u .....and taking u here ...U have to miss ur afternoon classes because of me" Tae said feeling guilty for everything .

Now whole university would be talking about jungkook leaving with him.... rumors would be spread. But Tae doesn't have any choice too.


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