3. Mournful.

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At jeon mansion.

It was evening time.... according to the plan they watched movies together after a long ...long time.

As the evening time came ....they were a little hungry . So jungkook volunteered to make some snacks.

All became excited for it...cause jungkook's hand made food u would definitely never want to miss it.

Cooking is jungkook's second hobby after painting which is the first.

So from the age of 18 he started learning cooking from the best cook which is his mom " Irene" .. ofcource why would he learn somewhere else ...when his mom is the greatest cook to learn from.

Currently jungkook and Irene were at the kitchen making homemade cookies and some brownies.

Irene decided to assist him ... jungkook insisted her to take the much needed rest ..that he can handle it alone .. but after few tries he gave up .... cause of his stubborn mom.

Now that he thinks of it ...he is stubborn too ... maybe ..no no definitely he got that trait from her.

They both were gossiping about anything and everything while cooking .

Meanwhile Jimin took the chance and left upstairs to his room to video call his boyfriend. This was the only chance he got ...as his brother nd mom were busy in kitchen...while eunwoo was attending a bussiness call.

He was very glad for the opportunity .

He quickly took his mobile...nd dialed
yoongi's number....he was very surprised and shock when the call was not answered.

Cause it never happened before...never.

He dialed again..the excitement from earlier was all gone .

Thank god the call was picked up this time.

" Hello hyu-" he was cut off in the middle.

" Jimin can we talk later" yoongi said .

" Hyung is everything alright?" Jimin asked worriedly... knowing something happen..other wise yoongi wouldn't call him by his full name...he always calls him baby the nickname which he use everytime...and he always talks sweetly with him but when his tone is this stern then he can swear that something definitely happened .

" Jimin I can't talk now ...I am at the hospital right now... Jennie is admitted ...I ..I will just call u later yeah?"

" Jennie is admitted...what happened to her ? The baby is fine right?" Jimin said getting more worried as time passes by.

" Jennie accidentally fell from the stairs ...she is getting operated right now ...her and the baby's situation is serious .." yoongi informed tensely... he doesn't know what to do..who to comfort...all are very panicked with the situation. Just yesterday they were all happy having the conversation of soon having a new member in the family....but now see what the destiny had taken them to.

" Wh-at ..wait hyung I am coming there" Jimin stated without waiting for reply ...he cut the call and ran downstairs.

When Jimin ran from the stairs to the living room...his mom ,dad , jungkook were having snacks..... sitting on the sofas of the living room.

When eunwoo noticed him running frantically..he asked

" What happened baby mochi ? Where r u running to?"

" Appa...." He explain the situation to all of them .

All were shocked and worried after hearing him...they all decided to accompany him to the hospital ...to be there for Kim's .

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