41. Possessiveness.

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The cab which Jimin booked earlier came on exact time when he and kook got out the mansion.

" Let's go" Jimin uttered excitedly while getting in the back seat....kook nodded unsurely thinking is their decision right to go ? all alone in a new place without anyone's guidence or protection.....it would have been better if they would have agreed and let tae and yoongi accompany them...but it was their decision too...to hang out without their other half's so that they have some brothers time alone.

Jungkook sighed before getting in the backseat........Jimin excitedly told the mall name to the driver once again for assurance .

Inorbit mall.

Jimin was excitedly telling the things they could buy and do while jungkook listened to it silently while nodding his head all along.

You guessed it right Jimin is the extrovert one here while our kook is an introvert.....which only made their bond strengthen with love.

" Kookie why are you so quiet ?" Jimin asked now noticing that he was blabbering what ever came in his mind while his little brother was calmly sitting not responding much.

" Nothing hyung" jungkook said while looking at the beautiful scenery of trees from his side window. Though he was present here but his mind and heart was somewhere else...... thinking about someone.

Missing someone.

" Oh I got it now.... are you missing someone huh?" jimin teased while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Jungkook getting what Jimin was saying blushed scarlet looking everywhere except jimin's eyes knowing he would get caught just in seconds.

That's how Jimin knows him very well.

" Wh-at a-are y-you t-talking a-about.....who-mm I w-would m-miss?" jungkook defended himself stuttering badly.

" Your hubby" jimin uttered in kook's ear lowly so that the driver won't hear anything.

If jungkook was blushing scarlet before now he was looking like a red tomato with his red heated cheeks hearing jimin's teasings.

" Hyungie" jungkook whined while hiding his heated face with both of his palms.

" So I was right" Jimin uttered proudly.

After some time when jungkook was not that blushy .....Jimin asked the question he wanted to ask from the time kook got married to tae.

" Kookie I wanted to ask you something?" Jimin asked nervously anticipating the reaction of younger.

" Yeah I am all ears" kook uttered while looking at jimin .... giving his all attention to his hyung.

" Do you like taehyung hyung?"

Jungkook got flabbergasted with the sudden question..... making his mind go blank....while his heart was beating very loudly.

" Huh" jungkook uttered not answering the question in a positive way nor denying it.......he started looking out the window turning his red face away from his hyung.

" Kookie....tell me na" Jimin whined while holding jungkook's soft palms in his.... making jungkook turn towards him again.

" I d-don't k-know" jungkook stuttered looking down at his lap....well kook didn't lie .....he really doesn't know for sure if he likes taehyung or not.

" Ohh! But I can clearly say that you like taehyung hyung ....the way you admire him, care for him, you literally have stars in your eyes while looking at hyung.......but if you are still not sure if you like him or not then.

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