51. Office Tour.

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A peaceful morning that was what taehyung wanted as he is going to work today . They have returned back from their trip two days back . Coming home feels heaven to everyone but no one was ready to go back to their hectic work-life yet . So they took 2 days rest .

Jeon's left for their home as soon as they landed in Seoul . Although jungkook was sad about it but he let them leave as eunwoo has to handle all the work , Jimin and Irene has too handle all the work regarding their home too. They have bunch of maids and chef's but still Irene is used to doing everything , supervising the work as per her likes .

In these two days Kim's took their much needed rest , boosting the strength to face their work life again .

Jungkook's intership in 'Park Industries ' is going to start from next week . So kookie spend his all time with his family , specially with his bubba as he can't spend much time after joining work .

Things has been great between taekook , after their confession they are more than comfortable with eachother , although there is still time for them to take the next step in their relationship .

The good thing is that they both are ready for it .

Back to present , taehyung has been expecting a peaceful morning as today is the day he is going to work .

Today taehyung volunteered to give his wife and baby a tour of his office . Ofcourse jungkook deserve to see where his husband is working . Kookie was whinning since yesterday to tae for that . Taehyung agreed to take them today .  Jungkook's reaction was worth it , as soon as his wife  heard that he jumped on taehyung giving him a big kola hug .

His angel was extra hyped up today . Jungkook bathed him just halfen hour ago . But today taehyung requested jungkook that he would make his angel ready . So jungkook went downstairs to help harin in cooking breakfast . Before Jin used to help in kitchen too , but since he is pregnant the Kim's have prohibited him to not enter kitchen .

" Angel , come here baby . I have to get you ready before 8 . Daddy will be late for office angel , come here " taehyung whined while stomping his foot on the ground like a child . What can he do ? The baby is hyper active today after jungkook brought him in the room covered in fluffy blue towel . The baby removed the towel from himself , crawling naked on the bed .

Apparently the baby was not in the mood to wear clothes .

" Are you mogli or what ? We can't take you there naked baby . Come here " taehyung coaxed in his sweet honey like voice . Trying to lure the baby.

" AHH !!! Got you " taehyung yelled happily when he got hold of his stubborn angel .

" Hmm , now you can't run anywhere " taehyung took the clothes from the bed which jungkook had already kept ready for their baby .  Taehyung first made his angel wear diaper , then he grabbed the lotion , applying gently over the baby's soft-soft body . Then he applied some powder on his energetic baby who was babbling non-stop .

Fussing , showing his frustration towards his dadda because today his mumma didn't make him ready .

Taehyung confirmed that surely his angel is mumma's boy  .

" Wait you little munchkin , I know very well that you love your mumma more than me . But wait for few more months , then I will make sure to bring a cute little sister for you . Who will be dadda's princess . She will be in my team , then we both will win over your's team  " taehyung said to his baby who was listening to it attentively with his big doe eyes . Taehyung was sitting on the bed with the baby in his lap .

Thinking his dadda is angry with him , baby attacked taehyung cheeks . Biting it . It was his way of showing love and affection towards his dadda .

" abba ba ...agoo " the baby was talking his alien language while kissing all over taehyung's face . As if apologizing to taehyung for the mischief he did earlier.

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